Chapter 9: Challenge Accepted

Start from the beginning

"You can be quite random in sometimes. I just came here to see you, dear-"

"Don't you dare call me with that." She groaned in annoyed tone before slightly slamming her both hands on the lunch table with frown of dislike for his endless nickname giving to her, somehow.

Her narrowing gaze was looking up at him with detestation that came from his endearing-like nicknames and actions around her. "It isn't like we dating officially." She put her point, as she leave her one hand on table after turning her whole body at his direction to announce that this time will be her last warning about ridiculous nicknames.

With her loath burning highly, slowly losing her patient for him, she point out her pointer finger—that is from free hand of her—at his face to apprise that she won't let this 'next time' exist anymore, if he speak something relative with lovey-dovey around her.

"Woah! We aren't fighting here, especially at the place where every students' eyeshot gathers on, right?" He raise his hands up at the same height his face, seems to be accepting his defeat, but the fact that he is still wearing his confident smile make her feel sickly by any chance.

She pull her pointer finger from his sight, instead, putting her hand that was pointing at him on her hips in annoyed way, as she sigh deeply to keep her explosion on balance.

"If you want to date, then just ask. It's sickening to listen you say 'dear', so let's put a right decision for this trouble, once and for all." Y/N told him her own determination to him as she has already become tired all of his goofy around with his smile.

"Is that some type of thank for giving you a free potion?" He slightly made a tease, which was absolutely one of his way to mock someone before leaving them trouble instead of himself.

After his teasing question, the one of her lower eyelid twitched in annoyed and yet repugnance, as it is a clear proof of that she is filling with deep depression because of him that is really a rare reaction which came from her.

"And, is this some sorta way to ask out on date?" She questioned back, as their tiny talk slowly fade into some mixed one between of discussion and argument, eventually.

In matter of fact, the two's position of speaking with one another having no clue of their own personal space was slightly getting other students attention, but some of them would avoid, especially when they knew that the toppest student, Prune Juice himself speaking with a new student in such a way.

The one student who just had his own seat distance away from Y/N seems to be hearing the talk of those two, even if he tried to not listen and disturb in.

"So, don't you wanna go out with me?" He directly questioned confidently without having any second thought rejected from his own offer, which sounded like a chance that came in once at life.

"I don't." She insisted and threw his offer away invisibly from sight with using her words. Standing there with reluctantly tone on his face, Prune Juice chuckled once again at her face with bringing his gloved hand toward to his lips.

With hearing the new student's refusal from suggestion of the toppest student, the one student who is still sitting in the background spit his drink out of from his mouth in sudden surprise of hearing an unexpected reply from the young girl, quickly pulling his glance away from the two to avoid their attention to be spot on him.

The two of them seems to be didn't pay a focus on it, nor dare to care, making a slight fought with their stare in hostility way. In other hand, the student that accidently spitted his drink out quietly and yet immediately wiping those spread liquids with using his own pocket absorbent cloth.

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