Chapter 13: Class

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The next things Bakugou hears are the fuzzy sound of a tv droning and the scratch of pen on paper. He shifts, feeling a weight on his chest, his back mushing into soft material under him, and a pillow under his head. Was he put to bed like a kid? He pulls a face and squints his eyes open, closing them shut again as a yawn takes him over.

"Good evening," a gruff voice says as the scratching sound stops, and Bakugou squints over toward the voice, twisting his neck to see. Slowly, his squint opens into a lovely glare. "Nice to see you, too," Aizawa snorts, turning back to his homework corrections.

That is when Bakugou realizes he is on the couch in Aizawa's apartment and has been changed into pajamas. His cheeks go red, and his brow furrows at the idea that his teacher changed him like a child. He groans, turning to push his head into the pillow as a headache hits. The weight on his chest jumps away—the damn cat.

"You know," Aizawa starts, making Bakugou stop his grumbling into the pillow in favor of hearing what the stupid teacher has to say. "You did a damn good job today, kid. I'm proud of you." Aizawa places a hand on Bakugou's head and ruffles his hair, and Bakugou is glad that his teacher can't see through pillows. He grumbles back, and Aizawa smirks. "Never stop being you, kid."


Two days later comes the Monday Bakugou is to go back to class. Where he will be unable to avoid all of the obnoxious extras and the shitty nerd, who definitely saw his press conference. Bakugou thinks about it in disdain. Not only was the conference a pain in the ass physically and mentally, now he has to deal with the waterworks that are sure to come.

After a trip to Recovery Girl and no small amount of yelling, Bakugou was allowed to leave behind the wheelchair for a pair of crutches, which he is still unhappy with. Nonetheless, it is a good feeling for him to walk back into the 1-A classroom. He pauses in the door when he reaches it, taking a deep breath as he looks around. He decided to come in earlier that anyone else would so that he wouldn't be pestered by crowds, and he is glad he made that decisions. As his red eyes sweep the room, watching the way the desks catch the morning light from the tall windows and hearing the soft chatter of the early risers making their way into the building, he feels himself relax.

Bakugou was never big on sentimentality. He has a few things he really cares about and not much else. UA is definitely one of those things, though, so, of course, his class has subsequently stolen a place in his heart as well. He goes to his desk with the ptak-clack-ptak-clack of his shoes and crutches, and stares at his desk a moment. He is back, he grins softly to himself as the window's light halos him, taking a seat. He leans his crutches against the window and leans back, kicking his feet up onto his desk, closing his eyes.

He almost drifts off by the time any of his classmates arrive. First is Yaoyorozu. She smiles at Bakugou's funny leant-back and, she thinks, sleeping form and goes to take her seat, quiet so as not to disturb him. Shoji is next, pausing in the door in brief surprise before quietly sitting as well. The first arrivals flow in like this, luckily all being some of the quieter characters from class.

Bakugou's eye twitches when someone certainly not quiet and definitely not the best at reading the mood comes bouncing in. "Kacchan!" a voice cracks gleefully, and Bakugou groans.

"I told you not to call me that, you damn Pikachu!" he shouts back, glaring.

Kaminari is happy to ignore that statement as he skips over, yellow hair flopping around with him, and takes a seat on the desk beside his. He playfully pouts. "We didn't know you'd be back today, man! You should've told us. We know you love us sooooo much!" he sings, making gestures to express just how much Bakugou apparently loves them.

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