Chapter 14: Hero

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It's been a few months since the fateful day where a psychotic villain made Bakugou reveal his secret identity. Now, at last, as he walks into his agency, decked out in his hero gear and limp-free, Bakugou gets to smirk at the memory. As he stalks confidently through the lobby, many of the heroes in the agency frown. Bakugou sniffs. To hell with them. The random guys in charge of the agency (mostly Mirko) said he could come back, so here he is. He would have just gone out on his own if the agency had not agreed.

Stalking up to the small lady at the front desk, Bakugou sneers, checking in for duty. The woman blinks, baffled for a moment, before shuffling through some papers and marking things on her computer. She gives him a nod, and Bakugou turns around and heads right out onto patrol.

He has been somewhat expecting a boring patrol, even the obnoxious pedestrians staring at him as he walks by, since he hasn't heard of any big villains lately. Luckily, though, a mediocre Stain wannabe pops up—exactly when Bakugou could get rid of some extra sweat that filled his gauntlets. "Perfect," Bakugou murmurs through a smile as his phone, which had alerted him, quiets. Angling his palms at the sidewalk's cement, he sets off a large explosion, shooting upwards and over the city.

In the air, he takes a moment to smile as he admires the way the sun shines over the buildings and the feeling of wind flying past him as he rockets through through the vast blue sea of the sky.


He releases another explosion, pushing himself towards his goal.

Landing at a small battle scene, Bakugou takes in the minimal but still hazardous damage. The villain's quirk is a medium-strength teleportation ability, letting him hop around short distances. It is nothing too dangerous, if he had not been holding a pair of machetes. Really, most of the property damage had been caused by the hero attempting to catch him. The hero is a newbie, Rakkasei, who had been the only hero on-site and was struggling to use his mild strength quirk to catch the villain, who hopped around and sliced at random items.

"Oi! Newbie!" Bakugou yells at him over the ruckus, banging, and popping sounds from when the villain disappeared and reappeared elsewhere.

"Wh-what?" Rakkasei squawks back over his shoulder.

Rocketing towards the villain, Bakugou slams an explosion into him, the pesky scrawny villain teleporting away a moment before he connected. Bakugou swears under his breath, curling his fists and shouting again at the greenhorn, "Why the fuck haven't you taken this idiot out yet, huh? He's just got some fuckin' knives. You weak or some shit?" he patronizes.

Rakkasei scowls back, throwing a chunk of some building at the newly-positioned villain, who pops away again. "Nah, man, he has peanut butter on his machetes! I'm allergic!"

"Eh?" Bakugou is caught off-guard by that one, staring dumbly at the other hero as the villain pops away again. "Pfft..." he tries not to laugh, cupping a hand over his mouth. "Wait...doesn't your fuckin' name mean peanut, though?" he chokes.

"My mom called me peanut as a kid, okay?" Rakkasei yells back, going to attack the villain again, and again, to his immense frustration, failing while Bakugou laughs uproariously.

"Hey," someone grouches. Laughter halting, Bakugou turns slightly to angrily side eye the hero who walks down the street toward them. "Don't you know that the battlefield is no place for children?"

Bakugou sneers. "Rock Lock, huh?"

Rock Lock frowns disapprovingly and very intentionally shoulders past Bakugou, who snaps around and fists his hand in the man's costume, fuming. Rock Lock huffs, looking down his nose at Bakugou. He grabs the child's hand, freeing his shirt, and declares, "Get out of here, kid." He makes sure to enunciate the last word with a sneer. "I'll take care of this, so go home to mommy."

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