Chapter 10: Maskless

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^^my sketch cuz I couldn't find one of him in a wheelchair without Deku online lol (just re-uploaded cuz I forgot the bandages; the fic was not altered)

Bakugou feels better rested the next morning than he had been in a very long time. Sleeping on a hospital bed for an extended period of time and having heavy injuries can do that to someone. It is when he realizes what is going to happen that day that his rested mind feels dread building into a wildfire.

This is the day he goes into public.

"Ughhhh!" he groans, rubbing his hands over his face. He doesn't know what he is supposed to expect. Everyone is always nosy when he is out as a hero, so he knows they will not be leaving him alone now. Will they be upset? Will even the extras on the streets tell him not to be a hero? If they do, fuck them, but still. The thought stings a bit.

Considering that there is nothing to be done, Bakugou fights with his muscles to get up and dressed, cursing at the ridiculous amount of bandaging covering him and getting caught on the clothes that his weak muscles already struggle at pulling on. In a soured mood befitting the morning hours, Bakugou opens the door and scowls at Aizawa, who scowls right back from where he stands over a slow coffee machine and empty mug.

The morning is a slow one with the two grumpy heroes. Few words are exchanged except for a handful of swears and the following rebukes. After a hearty breakfast and a slightly physical struggle to get Bakugou back into a wheelchair, however, the two make their way out of the school's facilities.

As they reach Aizawa's car, Bakugou grumbles but lets Aizawa support him into the seat before sharply swatting his hands away. After storing the wheelchair in the trunk, Aizawa slides into the driver's seat, and off they go.

Bakugou slouches into his seat more and more as they drive, eyes flitting around between the cars and buildings of the busy streets outside. "You alright, kid?" Aizawa interrupts him, and Bakugou peeks over at his teacher, who keeps his eyes unfalteringly on the road, seeming nonchalant.

Bakugou looks back out the window and ignores him, instead picking at an awry bit of bandaging on his arm to busy his hands. Aizawa glances at him but decides not to pry. It's a quick drive, easily walkable if not for the dangerous combination of a wheelchair, fame, and the high likelihood of villains being out and about, prowling the city.

Bakugou feels his heart race as they pull to the side of the road and park. What if a villain really chose to attack right now? There isn't much he could do with his body as weak as it is. Aizawa is here, yes, but Bakugou would be a liability in a fight and could make the situation far worse very easily. He imagines himself being held hostage. His teacher could end up....

Bakugou squawks and flails as something is smooshed onto his head, flattening his hair. When his eyes open to glare fiercely at his teacher, he sees that it is a baseball cap.

Undaunted, Aizawa stares back with slightly narrowed eyes as he turns the car off and pockets the key. He says firmly, "Keep your head down, kid, and try not to talk. Definitely don't yell and swear, or people will recognize you. We want to draw as little attention as possible. There's no way that'll happen, but it doesn't hurt to try."

Bakugou huffs a low "Fuck off," and Aizawa ignores him, getting out of the car and setting up the wheelchair. When Bakugou's door opens, the full brunt of city noise hits him. Tucking his chin down, he curses and hauls himself from his seat and into the wheelchair.

He curses under his breath as he trips slightly and tumbles into it, catching himself with quaking limbs. A handful of pedestrians pause at the struggle, worried, and Bakugou feels his cheeks flare red as he grits his teeth. Hero one day, pathetic cripple another, his mind jabs derisively.

Maskless (Bakugou public identity reveal and au)Where stories live. Discover now