Chapter 3: Recon

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As the school day comes to an end, Bakugou stuffs his books into his bag quickly. He feels Midoriya's eyes on him and is most definitely going to avoid his questions. More importantly than that, he has to get to a recon mission. He and a few Pros are mapping out a large building that police suspect is being used by a small human trafficking ring that kidnaps kids they discovered have strong quirks. What is done with the children post-kidnapping, the heroes and police do not yet know.

As he walks into the hallway and heads down it at a brisk pace, other students, aware of his temper, hop out of his way. Kirishima jogs over to him. "Hey! Thanks again for helping us study, man, that was so manly!" Bakugou's way-too-energetic classmate says, knocking his fists together with a grin.

Bakugou replies with a grunt and hurries ahead, and Kirishima scrambles to catch up from where he paused. "So," he continues, dragging out the o. "I was wondering if you'd want to go with some of the others and I to this great new coffee place. They have lots of good pastries and stuff, and it's an awesome study spot! Plus, if you want a study break, they have some TVs! I bet you'd like it!" he offers, hoping that, for once, Bakugou will accept his invitation.


"Awwww maaaaaaan," Kirishima groans as they walk out of the school, head tilting up and shoulders drooping as he stops, Bakugou continuing on at full walking speed. "I'll get you to come to one sometime, bro! I swear!" Kirishima calls after him through cupped hands.

Bakugou sighs haughtily as he turns a corner. Sure, it is kind of nice having that doofus invite him to things—he never really had that growing up, even though people "liked" him so much. The people close to him were more like followers than friends, and anything he was invited to, he was only invited to please him. Not that he did not like holding that position back then. He has grown up since, though.

Now, back in his hideout and opening up his costume box, Bakugou can proudly say his days as a pitiful bully who prided himself on his lack of friends are gone.

Now he's a pitiful bully who bullies bad guys after school's over.

And has no friends.

Unless you count Shitty Hair and his ragtag group of idiots.

Anyway, all goes well for a while. Recon missions tend to be pretty straightforward. Bakugou meets up with the hero squad of the day, Snipe, Manual, Midnight, Eraserhead, and Ingenium, as Dynamight, of course. The group was selected to work together and handle anything out of the ordinary that could happen but also to spy on anyone entering, leaving, inside, or around the large concrete building. Snipe was called in to keep an eye out and be ready to shoot on sight to save a teammate, Manual to support Eraserhead by controlling his eye drops and keep things running smoothly if rain hits, Midnight if they need anyone to be promptly knocked out, Eraserhead because he is one of the best in stealth and close combat, Ingenium in case they need a quick getaway, and Dynamight himself for both his prowess in infiltration and in case things get nasty and they need to take out the big guns—or explosives.

The group sent Eraserhead inside with Midnight following him up to map out the place and check if anyone is inside. Aside from these two's entrance, nobody goes in or out of the building for a while, but the heroes keep their eyes peeled. Each of them has a comm in, slowly being fed information as Eraser and Midnight make their way through the dark and dingy building, Manual recording the information coming through the comm and drawing it out in a sketchbook. Aside from occasional inputs, there is silence in the group aside from the quiet breaths of Midnight and Eraserhead that they can hear at times, the two keeping their earpieces on constantly while inside.

Ten minutes fly by, and Bakugou narrows his eyes when he sees movement at the front door of the building. Strange. Nothing had gone towards it from outside, and they had not yet found anyone inside aside from Eraser and Midnight. Bakugou brings a hand up and clicks his comm on. "Yo Eraser-Fuck and Mid Bitch, did either of you—"

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