Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty•••Friday, April 26th, 2047

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Chapter Twenty
Friday, April 26th, 2047

I woke up at nine to help Trinity pick out an outfit for her meeting, or better yet, her 'second apology', with Apollo. After I would finish with her, I needed to get ready and head to work for ten.

The process went rather fast, and I was able to get ready quickly and head out the door. My mood was extremely bright today for two reasons: my date with Axel later this afternoon and the thought of something good happening with Trinity. There's nothing more in the world that I want than us to be happy in our lives.

Whether or not she wants to admit it, I can tell that Apollo at least caught her interest. He is the first guy I actually see making an effort, and that is commendable on his part. As for me, Axel made me feel happy. However I was still on my guard. Last thing I need is getting my heartbroken, yet again.

My last relationship ended before I met Trinity, and the breakup was horrible. I caught her cheating on me with my male cousin, and from there I've been secluded. Meeting Axel changed that.

You heard me right, I said 'her'. Get the picture?

Stunned is putting the emotion lightly when we first met each other. I've never noticed a man that looked like he did in my life. To add to the astonishment, he greeted me in Italian.

Who could resist that?

The drive to work wasn't far, only ten minutes away from our place. Parking in my reserved spot, I exited out my car and smiled. Friday's were considered our early days, meaning the office would close at one for everyone.

My coworker Paul honked his horn before parking next to me. He exited out his car and whistled, looking at mine. "Scarlet, I'll never get over your beauty of a car."

Rolling my eyes, I smirked before walking towards the building. "Sorry, Paul. Still not willing to sell my baby."

I drive a Maserati, a gift from my parents on my 20th birthday. Ever since I received this car, there have been nonstop men admiring and asking if I would sell it to them. It didn't bother me, as I found the attention to be compliments.

Reaching the building door, I used my I.D to scan and clock in for the day, beginning the countdown until closing.

Walking through the office, I greeted everyone with a cheerful smile and a small "good morning" as I strolled towards my desk cubicle. Placing my purse down and turning on my desktop, my phone dinged with a notification. I picked it up and noticed a message from Axel.

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