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I kept myself busy as much as I could since the conversation with Shane, his anger inside of him was growing, and I didn't wanna be there when it blew. I held my hair back as I threw up in the toilet, gagging and gasping for air once it was out. I flushed the toilet and stood up, brushing my teeth to get the bad taste and smell away.

There was a knock on the door as I finished up, I opened the door and smiled at Maggie. " I'm sorry, I'm taking up the bathroom, Maggie. I'm not feeling too good." ," I heard you, it sounds like you ate something bad. Do you want me to grab you something to settle your stomach?". I quickly pulled Maggie into the bathroom and shut the door. I sat on the edge of the bathtub with my head in my hands .

" Maggie, I think I'm pregnant." " What?" Her eyes widened, " I'm late. ", " How late?" She asked. " A few weeks, give or take?" I sighed." Last time I remember having it was in the mountains before we came here, but that was weeks ago." Maggie knelt down in front of me." I'm going on a run into town today. Do you want me to pick up a pregnancy test?" " Would you?" I asked desperately, " I'd rather know before I sit down and talk to my folks" " It's no problem, I'll grab it for you and we can do it together when I'm back." ," Thank you, Maggie." I cried, pulling her into a hug.

I waved off Maggie and Glenn, Mom standing beside me, " You don't look well, baby, are you alright?" Mom asked." I'm fine, Maggies gone into town to grab me something to help." I went about my day as usual to try and calm my nerves. I was doing everyone's laundry when I saw Maggie and Glenn walking up to the house.

I quickly made my way inside the house with her, and together, we went into the bathroom and locked the door. " Here, I got two just in case," she said, handing me the tests. " Thank you." I quickly undid my shorts and sat down, peeing on the sticks before setting them on the counter and pulling up my pants.

We waited for what felt like forever when Maggie stopped looking at her watch. " That's three minutes." I took a deep, shaky breath and nodded. I made my way over to the counter and picked up the tests. I held my mouth as tears came flooding down, " What's wrong?" Maggie asked. I handed her the tests, and her eyes widened. " You're pregnant." " Fuck" I cried, pacing around the bathroom.

" Hey," Maggie grabbed my arm, " It's going to be okay, tale a deep breath in." I followed Maggies instructions to calm down, wiping my eyes so the tears would stop. " Things will be alright, but you're gonna have to tell your folks before you decide your next step." " They'll kill me.", " No, they won't. They're your parents. They'll be pissed, yeah. But you're their daughter. They'll want to help you out." I nodded my head." Okay, I just gotta tell them and get it over with."

I hid the two pregnancy tests in my shorts pocket before making my way outside. I saw my mom and dad talking near their tent in a hushed voice. My mom looked very distressed, and my dad looked pissed. " Mom, dad," I called as I made my way over to them. They both turned to me. " Amber," dad said. " What's wrong?" Mom asked." Can I talk to you both? In private?". Mom and dad gave me a concerned look and nodded before we all headed inside their tent.

I sat down on the cooler they had as they sat in the chairs. " I don't know how to say this." I cried, " Amber, you can tell us anything, " dad spoke up, trying to be comforting. I took a deep breath and pulled the pregnancy tests out of my pocket, and put them on the table in front of them. " I'm pregnant." Mom grabbed the tests in a panic, staring at them as she held her mouth.

Dad stood up and grabbed the test, not believing it. " Y-youre pregnant?" I nodded my head." Yeah." " When? Who?" Dad asked a bunch of questions before grabbing his head and taking a deep breath. " Call Glenn in here, I wanna have a talk with him.", " I never slept with Glenn dad. We've never done anything." Dad stared down at me." If it isn't Glenn, then who's the father?" Dad asked, I visibly shook. Dad slammed his fist on the table. " Who is the father?!" He yelled at me.

Amber GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now