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It had been a few days since the incident, but everyone had seemed to calm down. Glenn wouldn't speak to me, but I always caught him looking at me with big sad eyes. Shane had moved my stuff back into his tent, and he seemed to be acting better. It wasn't just about sex anymore. He seemed to really want to be with me and our baby.

Hershel had a stern talk with me about my pregnancy, but he always gave me my prenatal vitamins every day, like clockwork.

" So how does it feel?" Dale's voice asked. " Dale, I'm tired. Can I please just get my chores done?". Dale was following me as I made my way to the well to get some water. " You can abort it Amber, if you do, there will be nothing to hold you to Shane.". " I am not aborting my baby. Leave me alone." " Amber, he isn't good for you. I know it seems like sunshine right now, but something is going to make him angry, and when he finally snaps, it's going to be you he takes it out on."

" I'm not talking to you about this Dale, all you've done is rile Shane up so back off.". Dale suddenly grabbed my face and forced me to face him. " He is going to be the death of you, Amber. Shane will kill you.". " Let go of me, Dale.". " Do you not understand how serious this situation is? Shane will never let anyone else in this world near you. If you ever try to leave him after this, he will kill you so no one else can have you.".

" I said let go of me.". I pulled myself from Dale's grip. " I don't know if you're trying to help me or scare me, Dale. But Shane won't kill me. He loves me.". " He's a manipulater. He is going to keep hurting you. He is going to use this baby as a weapon against you.". " You don't know him, Dale. I've known him my whole life he wouldn't do that.".

" Amber, he has groomed and raped you." ," Oh my god.". " He has known you since you were a baby. There is a massive age difference between you two, and he is your father's best friend. The last thing on his mind should have been sleeping with you, but he does it all the time.". " I'm a grown woman, I can have sex with whoever I want.". " Okay then, if you think he's so great, then why did he rape you behind the barn the day Carl was shot?".

My eyes widened as I turned to Dale. " W-what?" ," Glenn told me, for God's sake, Amber. Patricia had to sow you up in the bathroom because he hurt you that badly!". " Leave me alone, Dale." I started walking away, but Dale kept following me. " You know I'm right, Amber." " Stop." ," Shane isn't the man you think he is. All he is using you for is your body. He knows you. He can easily manipulate you. All he wants from you is sex and he's going to get it whether it's consensual or not!". Dale yelled at me.

I started crying as Dale kept yelling at me, " Stop Dale, please!" I yelled out as it got too much for me. I dropped the basket of dirty laundry to the ground and covered my ears. Dale grabbed my arms and pulled me towards him. " Please stop," I cried.

" Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing!?" Shane ran over with dad not too far behind him. " Let her go, Dale." Dad tried to bring reason." I can't do that, Rick. This child has been brainwashed by that man, and I will not let her go until she finally realises the bad he is to her.". " What are you talking about? I have never been bad towards Amber."

" Oh really? Well, how come I heard that you raped her on the first day we got here." Dad turned to Shane." What kind of man do you take me for Dale? I have never and would never put Amber in a position like that. I love her, and I would never do anything to hurt her.". " Then why is she crying so much?", " Probably cause you got her in a tight grip and won't stop yelling at her. I know Amber can't handle being yelled at. It makes her extremely upset fast. It's been like this ever since she was a girl.".

Dale let me go, and I quickly threw myself at Shane. I sobbed into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me protectively. " You ever touch her or make her cry like this again, and it will be a very different outcome for you, Dale." Shane spat before hooking his arm under my legs and carrying me off to our tent.

Shane sat me down on a chair and zipped up the tent. " I swear I didn't say anything to anybody, Shane."." Hey, hey, it's alright. Don't cry, darling.". Shane wiped the tears from my face. " You know I deeply regret what I did to you, and I will never do it again. I was angry, and I took it out on you. But I will never do that to you again, I will be a good man to you and our baby.". I nodded my head. " I have to deal with Dale, I can't have him spitting lies about me and making you cry like this.".

" What are you going to do?" I asked." I don't know, darling, but I've got to do something.". Shane sighed and kissed my head. " You stay in here and relax. We don't need the extra stress on you or the baby.".

Amber GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now