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" So Amber," Andrea smirked at me. " What's going on with you and Glenn?" Nothing, he's just a friend." " He doesn't seem like just a friend," she laughed, making everyone chuckle around me. " I swear he is nothing more than my best friend," I laughed, scrubbing a shirt in the water. " You know, in an apocalypse, you can't get picky." " Believe me, sex is the last thing on my mind. Especially when it comes to Glenn, " I laughed.

"Don't tell me you have a toy to take care of your needs?" She smirked." I wish, " I laughed. " I miss my vibrator," Amy sighed. " Me too," a few girls agreed. " So do I," Carol spoke up, making us all laugh. " What's so funny?" Ed asked as he made his way over to us, " Oh nothing, Ed, just talking, " Andrea smiled. " You should be working, not talking." He spat. " Why don't you try to do this then?" Andrea asked." That's a woman's job, " he scoffed.

Andrea stood up and tossed the wet shirt at Ed, telling him if he wanted it cleaned, then he could do it. Ed threw the shirt back at Andrea, an argument breaking out. Ed ended up slapping Carol as we all fought to get Ed's hands off of her. Shane ended up storming over and pulling Ed off of Carol, throwing him into the sand and beating him bloody.

" Shane, stop!" I yelled out, holding Carol as she cried. " You ever put your hands on your wife or little girl again, and I will feed you to the walkers. Do you understand me?" Shane threatened Ed. Ed nodded his head as Shane threw one last punch, " You don't know how lucky you are." He spoke as he stared at me.

I followed Shane as he stormed away, " Shane, what the hell was that?" I yelled, " Nothing for you to worry about. " I grabbed Shane's arm and pulled him into our tent, " What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, crossing my arms." Do you have any idea how upset Carol is about this?". " He was hitting her. She should be grateful," Shane spat, " Hey! Just because Ed abused her doesn't give you the right to humiliate Carol and Sophia!".

" I thought you didn't want me near you?" Shane scoffed at me, " What happened to you? You've become unhinged. " " He deserved it. " " How did he deserve it?!" " Because he gets to have what he wants, and he doesn't appreciate it!' Shane yelled at me. " I want you more than anything, Amber. I want you more than life. " " Shane." "No, I'm not letting you go. " " Do you even care how I feel?" I asked with a pleading look.

" I know how you feel about my Amber." Shane came closer to me, " I see how you look at me, how you react to my touch." His hand gently cupped my cheek, his thumb slowly rubbing my skin. " You want me just as much as I want you." " You slept with my mom," I softly argued. " And it was the biggest mistake of my life. Give me a second chance, that's all I'm asking. " I made eye contact with Shane, and he didn't hesitate to connect our lips.

He grabbed my face as he towered over me, his lips moving against mine perfectly. We shared the same amount of passion and lust in the kiss. I knew it was wrong. He had slept with my mom, and he was my dad's best friend. He had helped my parents raise me when they were sixteen. Yet here I was making out with the man who has been by my side since the day I was born.

Shane suddenly grabbed my hips and pulled my body closer to his. His tongue devouring my mouth, my hand finally holding his face, giving in to his touch. " You're mine," Shane mumbled as he pulled away from my lips. " Say it," He ordered, staring down at me. " I'm yours," I spoke. Finally giving into my desires, the desires that started almost two months ago in LA.

Fuck it, we're not in a normal life anymore, we're in an apocalypse. The world as we knew it was over, and there was nothing else we could do but survive together. If that meant giving in and telling my dad about us, then so be it. Shane was right, I wanted him, so I'll have him.

We made out for a while in our tent, his hands slowly beginning to roam my body when the zipper to our tent was being pulled open. We quickly pulled away as we saw Carl popping his head inside our tent. " Hey, do you wanna catch frogs with me?" He asked, hopeful. " Yeah, let's hunt some frogs," Shane grinned as he stepped out of the tent. I laughed as I watched the boys walk down to the river.

" We need to talk." Mom pulled on my arm, dragging me away from everyone else in the camp. Once we were far enough away from everyone else, mom turned to me with a scowl on her face. " I thought I told you to stay away from Shane. I thought you said you weren't going to go near him again after what he did. "

I sighed as I looked down, seeing Shane playing with Carl brought a smile to my face. " I think I love him," I spoke up, my moms face falling in shock. " Amber, you can not love him. He is sixteen years older than you! He helped raise you!" " It's not my fault you got pregnant at sixteen mom," I shot back at her. " He is your father's best friend, he is a family friend! He was the first person to see you when you were born! This is disgusting, and I will not allow this to continue!" Mom yelled at me.

" I'm an adult, I can sleep with and be with whoever I want, " Not when I discuss this with your father. " " Go ahead mom, tell dad how I've been fucking his best friend for two months. Tell him how his best friends hands feel on his daughters skin. " " That's disgusting!" Mom spat at me." If you tell dad, I'll tell him you were sleeping with Shane too." Who do you think he'll be more pissed at? Me or you?".

" I know he'll kill Shane," " Is that what you want, mom? Because you can't stand to look at yourself for cheating on dad? The man who gave up his entire life to be with you and our family? The man you shit talk every fucking day when all he does is everything you want?" " You can't speak to me like this, I am your mother!". " No, you're just bitter because I actually want to be with Shane instead of throwing him under the bus to suffer".

" Amber you are a child" " I'm old enough to make my own decisions, and Shane is one of them. So you either get over it or leave me alone because either way, he'll still be sleeping with your daughter. " " We'll discuss this with your father when he gets back." " Fine by me," I smiled before walking away from her.

Amber GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now