Chapter 3: Doctor Shou Arrival

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In the woods in the Kanto Region.  A seventeen-year-old boy with cream skin he had shoulder-length bright orange hair with side swept bangs and brown eyes.  Who was wearing a black jacket over a red shirt, black pants, and grey sneakers was seen riding on the back of a powerful Charizard.

"Alright Pyro we're almost there the cabin was just right there," He said as he saw a brown cabin up ahead with a faint noticeable 'R' on the side of the roof.

"Zard! (Right.)" Pyro roared.

"Now come in with a careful landing," The boy commanded as he saw the cabin was in sight."Strange that I don't see the balloon, but this is definitely the right place.  Meowth and James must have gone out for something?" He questioned not seeing a hint of the balloon anywhere.

Pyro let out a mighty roar as he carefully landed on the ground near the cabin.

"Thanks, Pyro return," He said returning his Charizard and walking towards the entrance of the cabin.



Meanwhile in the cabin

Jessie was peacefully sleeping in bed. However, her slumber was soon ruined as she felt her nose twitch and her nostrils flare up with a small groan escaping her mouth knowing a sneeze was coming as her breath hitched.

"Ah... Aaaaah... "

She sniffed and brought a hand up to her nose in an attempt to make the sneezy feeling go away so she could go back to sleep,  but it wasn't working her nose as her nose continue to twitch and flare up.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh...AaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAHHH..." She continued to inhale as she got closer to the release. Her nostrils flare up uncontrollably as she pressed her hand harder against her nose as she rubbed it trying to get the sneeze to go away,  but she still feel it coming.
"AaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH..."She inhaled more sharply at this point and knew she couldn't hold the sneeze back much longer. Her nose continued to grow and shrink, over and over. Every gasp she took made her nose tickle even more. And knew that she had no choice but to let her sneeze-free, because her nostrils couldn't take any more of this torture, and moved her hand away as she stopped rubbing it.

The moment she did her nostrils were ready to explode.


She shot her head forward as she released a long loud and powerful sneeze that could be heard throughout the cabin shaking the bed underneath. A massive amount of yellow-green snot fired out of her nostrils and landed on her blanket.

After a few minutes, she recovered from her sneeze and opened her eyes as she sat up and leaned back against the headrest, and groaned as she sniffed wetly.

"Bless you," A voice said making Jessie's eyes snap open.

She turned to see the familiar orange hair friend from Team Rocket and smile faintly seeing he was here."Shou thank you," She said sniffing and rubbing her nose.

"You're welcome," Shou said pulling out a pack of tissues from his jacket and handing it to her."

Jessie grabbed the pack and took out a few tissues and blew her nose loudly.

"Man that was painful, " She groaned balling up the tissue once she was blowing her nose.

"I bet," Shou said taking the tissue and taking it to the bathroom   which was on the left side of the room."Why don't you get some more sleep and I feed your pokemon and make you some food, " He said coming back from the bathroom."As well to get you a new blanket by the way if I didn't understand Pokemon. I wouldn't have known something was wrong. "

"It was my only option.  I don't know where James and Meowth went, " Jessie said coughing for a couple of minutes."Besides you are wrong you always know."

"Alright enough talking for now sleep," He said taking the snot-cover blanket off of her to wash it."I will be back with some soup, " He said leaving the room with the blanket balled up and Arbok Pokeball.

"Alright, how long will you be able to stay until your next mission?"Jessie asked.

"I can stay as long as needed I was given pretty of time off to relax and take care of you," Shou said smiling and showing his pearly white teeth. 

"Ugh quit-" Jessie trailed off coughing."Quit smiling at me like that and your got time off and not just snuck off?"

"Enough talk get some rest and not I don't sneak off from my own father im not a little kid like Sliver my younger half-brother with daddy issues. I was given a vacation for a few weeks."

"Alright, im going to sleep my head pounding," Jessie sigh holding her head which felt warm.

"I bring you some medication with your lunch, " Shou said leaving the room to wash this blanket, feed the pokemon and get Jessie some medication for her headache and most likely fever she was running.

Jessie smiled softly as she drifted off to as Shou left the room.

'Thank you, Shou, for coming when James and Meowth left to who knows where. Maybe they went to try and get Pikachu,  but they wouldn't have left without checking on me first right? Oh, I shouldn't think too much about it.' She thought rubbing her head.

Alright, here is another new chapter of this little fun side story I have been writing for fun to entertain myself when bored and having issues writing a new chapter for my main stories.

Shou is an Oc that was for Giovanni's son's story I never got to writing it differently from the one with the character Bert that I'm working on editing.

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