Chapter 5: Remorse and Reunion

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Suddenly materializing in another space was not a very pleasant experience. However, for Ace things were too sad to feel any fear. When the blue figure placed his hand over his head he was teleported to an empty corridor. Silent and eerie. He looked at the figure as if asking why he was brought her. The figure smiled gently and said “There is a young man who wishes to meet you”

After saying this the figure disappeared and one of the doors in the corridor opened. A young man about his age walked out. He had an overall noble look; a mesmerizing combination of a blue and black outfit suits his pale skin and blond hair. Ace stood still, trying to remember where he had seen such a man. In the fog of Luffy’s memories, he seemed to forget that someone like this man existed in his life.

He knew there was once a child with eyes as blue as oceans and golden locks with a missing tooth who barged into his life and made a place for himself. But he also knew that kid just left him as dramatically as he met him. The golden locks were a part of his life for as long as he remembered. Those kind blue eyes were the first to accept him. That witty kid was his first friend, who knew how to get his way around the high town and Gray Terminal. He was as much a jungle kid as Ace himself was but would shift to some noble if the situation demanded. He was a part of his life and a part of himself.

But he was also the kid who made him feel the first loss, the first failure, and the first heartbreak. He was the one whom Ace was supposed to protect but couldn’t because Ace was weak. That kid was his brother who was murdered by the world and he couldn’t even give him a proper burial. In times when he is alone and gazing at the ocean Ace digs the deepest memories of his dead brother. He would reminisce about those blue eyes and encouraging smiles. Those soft looks and stern words when Ace would degrade himself. He sometimes felt his warm back thinking his brother is looking over him. His mind would take him back to the treehouse whenever he opened a new book. He would suddenly remember his first lesson with his brother when he smelled new papers.

Sometimes he feels that his Bo never left him at all but he knows that he left. He died alone in the sea that promised freedom. He is buried in the dark sea bed where Ace can never see him again. But now a man was standing in front of him looking like his dead brother. So alike yet so different. That man stands right in front of him, with the same golden locks, same blue eyes, and same pale skin. He was taller and more muscular. He had a scar on his left eye. For a moment Ace thought if his brother had a chance to grow up, he would be similar to the man in front of him. For a moment he felt envious for his brother.
The man in front of him fidgeted a little under his deep scrutiny. No words were said, both of them were studying each other.

Ace”, said the man, and Ace felt that he was back in the forest, charcoal burning, crocodile roasting, Luffy laughing and Sabo reprimanding him. He felt as if a decade never passed. He gasped. This must be magic, an illusion, or maybe a dirty joke.

“Who are you?” he asked sternly but his shaky tone gives away.

“Ace, I…… I” he stuttered.

“Do I know you?” He asked again

“Do you not……?”

“Well given the fact I’m meeting you for the first time,” Ace said he felt his eyes getting warm

“Maybe you met me before like fifteen years back, near a trash dump, where there were a lot of thugs, and  when I kind of saved you.” He mused and gave Ace a strained smile.

“My apologies I don’t remember you”, Ace said with his learned mannerism. And he saw how the man’s shoulders hunched and a strained sob left his tighten lips

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