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i'll be yours, until the stars fall from the sky / cass elliot

third person.

henry and vienna had been joint at the hip ever since the date. wherever vienna went, henry was close behind; you would never see them without the other.

the boy had never felt happier in his life. the hole that his father had created in his heart had been filled finally. she was the missing piece that he needed all along. to henry, she was the most beautiful person in the world, inside and out. henry wouldn't be letting vienna go anytime soon, he wouldn't mess this up. he adored her.

however, some people were not as happy about the new couple.

while victor was sad that his childhood crush had been taken by henry, the guy who forced him into his gang and ruined his chances of a good education, vic wanted vienna to be happy, and if that was with henry. so be it. he would get over it eventually, he told himself.

on the other, patrick was more than pissed. the dark haired boy laid flat on the bed, staring at each imperfection on his ceiling. he spent most his days like this now, thinking about henry.

henry, henry, henry... he got everything patrick wanted. always. patrick was a hundred times better than him. braver than him, scarier than him, stronger than him. how could vienna not see this? at least patrick didn't let himself get beat up by his dad.

these thoughts replayed in his head everyday until he was gone.


"hi!" the blonde opened the door to be greeted by henry. she felt herself becoming giddy already.

he brought her in for a kiss and let her go with a solemn look on his face.

"hey sweetheart, i've got some news." henry said, looking uncomfortable.

"what?" she tilted her head in confusion.

"uh, patrick's been taken. it's not confirmed yet but there's a big chance it's related to the other missing kids."

deep down, henry was a bit glad patrick was gone. sure, he was his so called best friend, but he noticed his stares at vienna, and how patrick would get easily annoyed at henry recently. he was glad.

vienna's jaw dropped. she couldn't believe it, that patrick out of all people would be kidnapped. surely. no normal person would take a kid like him. she had always said to him that he would be the least likely to get taken in the group.

she had no words but brought henry into a hug, which he happily embraced her in his arms, nuzzling his head into her neck. she liked the safe feeling she felt in his arms. protected.


missing posters started to go up of patrick, covering the previous ones. only his mom cared enough to put them up, most people were glad to be rid of the psychopath.

the gang sat in belch's car outside henry's house.

"you think patrick's gonna be okay?" vic asked, breaking the silence. belch opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by henry.

"who cares about that fucking dick, he'll die like the rest of them." the car fell into silence and henry looked around at them with an annoyed expression. he was already in a shit mood because he got beaten by his dad last night and mentioning patrick was the cherry on top.

"fucking drive then." he grumbled at lent back in his seat.

his eyes brightened as he locked eyes with his new target of the week.

"get him."


vienna was home alone since belch was out with the gang (as usual) and her parents had gone out for their anniversary.

she was listening to music in her room when she heard a quiet knock downstairs. she wasn't expecting anyone as far as she knew.

the knocking became more frequent and frantic as she walked down the stairs.

"hi, who is it?" vienna asked, trying to keep the tremble out her voice.

the knocking stopped immediately.

"it's me, henry."

she should have felt relieved, it sounded like him and it looked like him through the glass, but something in her gut told her it wasn't. she took a step backwards.

"open the door, vienna." he asked. the smile on his face dropped as she took one more step back.

"open it!" henry yelled and started banging on the door harder than before. vienna stood in fear and shock as she watched his features start to contort into something else.

whatever this was, its eyes started to bulge out unnaturally far, its teeth turned a sickly shade of yellow and his skin and face melted down onto his feet. it looked like henry had been mutilated horrifically.

she got ahold of herself briefly and ran upstairs and hid in her bed, her heart racing fast from what just happened.

the banging continued until she fell asleep.


a/n. i want to end the book soon as im running out of ideas, does anyone have any suggestions of what they want to see? 💗

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