Chapter 14

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"Nor would I."
Frollo smiles gleefully at the top of the stairs as his guards run down the steps and cornered every Gypsy in the place.
Esmeraldo pulls Mira behind him as the five of them are surrounded by guards, Djali and Bandit going to help their owners but are stopped as a guard grabs a hold of them.

They look around in disbelief, panicking as Frollo gets closer to them. "After 20 years of searching, the court of Miracles is mine at last." Frollo smiles in satisfaction, walking up to Quasimodo.
"Deer Quasimodo. I always knew you would someday be of use to me." He passed him, petting his hair back as if he were a dog before walking up to Mira, who was now held captive by a guard.

"No." Quasi gasps in disbelief.
"What are you talking about?" Mira asks Frollo, her composer slipping as she slowly realizes they lost.
"Why, he left me right to you, my dear." He caressed her cheek as he told her, causing her to put up her walls again and glare at him. "You're a liar." She growled, watching as he walked up to Phoebus.
"And look what else I've caught in my net. Captain Phoebus, back from the dead." Phoebus and Damica start to struggle against their captors, scowling at him.

"Another "miracle," No doubt. I shall remedy that." He then walks back over to Mira causing Esmeraldo to struggle, wanting him nowhere near Mira.
"So my dear, what do you choose? I can save you from your fate, as long as you choose me. Or you'll burn tomorrow along with your friends." He bargained, leaning closer to her face. She scowled as he got closer.
Frollo, thinking she'll agree, gets even closer, before recoiling in disgust as she spits in his face.

"I hope you rot in hell. I'd never choose you, even over death."
She spits out like it was poison. Suddenly a sharp pain is felt against her cheek causing her to yelp.
"Mira!" Esmeraldo yells, fear and anger clear in his voice. He turns towards her, watching as she slowly lifts her head up. A red mark  starting to form on her right cheek. Esmeraldo gasps in horror before shouting at Frollo in anger.
"You bastard!"

Frollo ignores him as he stares a Mira with a hard glare "You insolent brat." He mutters before turning and walking away.
"There'll be a little bonfire and a square tomorrow. And you're all invited to attend." Everyone looks at Frollo in fear, struggling against their restraints.
"Lock them up." Frollo orders.

The guards start dragging everyone to cages, Mira being placed in a special cart for people to know she'll be burned at the stake.

"No, please, master!" Quasi begged as he held on to Frollo's outfit.
Frollo looks down at him sharply, a harsh glare set on his face causing Quasimodo to let go in defeat.
"No, no."

"Take him back to the bell tower. And make sure he stays there."
Frollo commands before walking away. The guards quickly grab his arms and start dragging him behind Frollo.

The next day
The scene changes to outside of the cathedral where Mira is tied to a wooden pole, a guard putting sticks to surround her.

Frollo stands in front of here as he wait for it to be finished. Damica and Esmeraldo were held by two guards behind Frollo.
Frollo put them their so Esmeraldo could suffer as he watched his lover die in front of him while Damica was forced to watch her friend die.

They struggled harshly, trying to get free so they could help Mira. But it was useless.

"The prisoner, Mira, has been found guilty of the crime of witchcraft." Frollo reads off a scroll, smirking in glee as he watches Esmeraldo struggle, trying to get to his lover.

Guards hit drums to this.

"The Sentence:Death!"

"No!" Esmeraldo shouts, struggling more than ever. He looks over at Mira with tears in his eyes, not wanting to believe this was happening.
Mira sensing his eyes on her, looked over at him. She smiled gently at him before mouthing 'It'll be okay.' trying to comfort him the best she could.
This only made Esmeraldo sob harder, tears running down his face rapidly.

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