Chapter 6

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The Escape

"Silence!" Frollo demands, causing Esmeraldo to speak up.
"Justice!" He yells, bringing his hand up to hold Mira's hand in the air. Mira and Esmeraldo look at the crowd, determined to get their message across. Frollo glared at them,silently seething as he watched Esmeraldo touch her.

Behind them Damica fully unwrapped the rope from Quasimodo, gently standing him up. Quasimodo looked at them in surprise, wondering why they were defending him.

"Mark my words, gypsies. You will pay for this insolence." Frollo pointed at them with his bony finger, scowling as he talked.

"Then it appears we've crowned the wrong fool " Esmeraldo bowed sarcastically towards Frollo before he then stood back up, yanking the crown off Quasimodo and holding it towards Frollo "The only fool I see is you!" He then threw the fake crown towards Frollo with a yell, Djali blowing a raspberry towards him as well. Mira looked at Esmeraldo shocked, surprised he would do such a thing before smiling in awe at his bravery.

The crowd laughed as the fake crown landed in front of Frollo. Frollo sharply turned towards captain Phoebus "Captain Phoebus, arrest them." He ordered.

Damica looked at Phoebus with a pleading look, hoping to God that he would be on their side, that he wouldn't send the guards after them. But that hope is shattered when Phoebus snaps his fingers and points towards them, breaking Damica's heart.

Guards surround them, spears pointed towards dangerously close, causing Esmeraldo to back Mira slightly behind him.
"Now, let's see. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine." Esmeraldo counted with his fingers, his other hand on his hip.
"So there's ten of you and three of us." Esmeraldo observed, bringing his right hand to his pocket and bringing his left hand to grab Mira's right hand.
"Gentlemen, there's enough of us to go around." He tells them, bringing out a handkerchief and pinching a corner of it as he lifts it up. "That is." He paused, motioning Damica closer to them, which she does knowing what's about to happen. "If you can catch us." He says before throwing the handkerchief down, causing a puff of pink smoke to burst.
People gasped as they watched the gypsies disappear from their place, leaving behind a confused Quasimodo.

Frollo leaned back in shock, horrified at this new information. "Witchcraft!" He gasped, before turning towards a female voice that called out.
"Oh, boys. Over here." Mira taunted from her spot behind the vegetable table pulling a funny face with the other two that were with her. She then lowly whispered towards the two "Meet me at Notre Dame."

"There they are!"
"Get them!"
Two guards yelled, climbing up the platform they were on. They looked over at them before hopping over to another platform. They looked down at the crowd, smirking back at each other before jumping into the crowd. They were all caught and carried across, causing Mira and Esmeraldo to wave smugly at the crowds while Damica yawned in boredom.

The two guards watch them, before settling their eyes into a glare and trying to do the same thing. The crowd gasped and parted away from the two falling guards, causing them to crash into the brick floor.
The three flipped before landing back on the brick floor with smiles of excitement. "I haven't had this much fun in years!" Mira giggles to them. Esmeraldo's smile turns into a smirk "Then you should hang with us more often." He tells her before grabbing both girls by their hands as he sees two guards charging towards them "We're gonna have to split up. We'll meet back up at Notre Dame, okay?" He clears with the girls, who nod in agreement.

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