In the meeting, I could see the switch of moods in her. Initially, she came off as a gentle type of girl who was carefree. However, she turned into a serious, no bullshit type, where the main priority was ensuring the safety of her best friend.

That turned me on more than I expected.

Of course, I wanted to get to know them both, but mostly her. Trinity had good reviews from my fellow friends, so she already passed in my book. However, Scarlet intrigued me. Therefore, I invited them to the café for coffee.

However, a little situation occurred, and I thought that would nullify my plans. Despite the tension, Scarlet chose to stay and follow through with the initial agreement, allowing us to get to know her and speak on Trinity's behalf.

The way she talked about her best friend, her eyes full of love and genuine admiration, was something to witness. Every word she spoke only oozed out true care and passion.

She had me sold.

During the week, we kept in contact through the direct messages on Instagram, where I got to know her even more. Last night is when I asked for her number for help on the current situation.

Now, here we were.

Clearing my throat, I grabbed her hand and held it. "Bella, can I be honest with you?"

She looked at me and nodded, slightly blushing. "Yes...?"

"It's something that has been on my mind since we met."

Her face turned into a nervous expression. "'re scaring me."

I chuckled. "That wasn't my intention love, I apologize. I just wanted to say that I like you, and it started from the moment we met."

"Oh...really?" She asked, her face almost beet red from blushing.

"Yes, I just wanted to tell you before asking you on a date."

Her eyes grew wide, then she scoffed in disbelief. "A date? Are you serious? Do you not see how I look right now?"

"If this is your natural you, then I want to work on getting to see it more often. Only if you allow me to."
I spoke, looking deep into her eyes and gently squeezing her hand. "So... may I take you on a date, Scarlet Mackenzie?"

Returning the gaze, she smiled softly, biting her bottom lip as she nodded. "I'd love that..."


Picking up her hand and placing a soft, tender kiss on the back of it, I smiled. "Thank you, love. When are you available?"

She looked up and thought about her schedule, a concentrated effort etched on her face. "I get off early tomorrow, around one in the afternoon. Other than that, I'll be busy the next few days."

"Tomorrow is perfect. I'll pick you up here at two, alright?"

"Alright...I have a question, though."

I raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"Is this the normal thing for you? See a pretty girl, flirt you way on taking her on a date? I just don't want to get my hopes up for a potential disappointment." She murmured, removing her hand from my grasp. The loss of touch made me instantly miss the warmth.

I sighed. "I won't lie to you, my past isn't the best when it comes to women. One could call me a player or hoe, based on my past experiences. There would only be a physical attraction with girls, nothing more." I started to explain.

"However, I never felt the way I did from just noticing you from afar. The instant feeling I got was something new to me, and I loved it. It made me want to try to change, and I want to change for you."

She looked at me with a soft smile. Suddenly she placed a small peck on my cheek, nodding happily. My face flushed with heat as I gently touched the spot on my face.

"I believe you. Don't make me change my mind."

"I won't, I promise."

Looking at the time on her phone, she held it up to me with a sigh. "It's been thirty minutes. Time to get Apollo."

I nodded, and we both exited the car, walking over to the front door. Making three loud, obnoxious knocks, I called out to Apollo. "Aye! Apollo! You better not have made things worse, or you are dead, you hear me!"

Scarlet giggled, then whispered in my ear before the door opened. "I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Hearing the door unlocked, it opened to Apollo and Trinity standing at the entrance.

Scarlet peeked her head around me and looked at Trinity. "Everything good?"

Trinity nodded. "Yes, and by the way, you and I are going to have a little chat."

"Well, then. Thanks Scarlet, see you later." Apollo said, stepping outside and dragging me back to the car. I tried to refuse, but he had a tight grip on me.

Trinity dragged Scarlet inside the apartment and slammed the door shut. I smiled to myself as we both entered the car.

I have a date with thee Scarlet Mackenzie...

Scarlet's POV is next!

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See you soon 💕

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