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Sonic was coming in and out of consciousness...mostly cause of his body shutting down on him, but he just forced himself to stay awake and alive, he wanted to at least tell Silver that he was sorry for not holding on much longer.

Though didn't feel alone when he was going in and out of consciousness, the last visit from Shadow, he asked the Doctor.

"Who...is Maria?"

Shadow only looked away from Sonic, his ears pinning to his head. Of course the human would be looking out for him...and his family, it was just in her nature to be that guiding light of hope, but seeing that his son had gain attachment towards Sonic, he couldn't help but give a small side smile, that Sonic couldn't see, out of anyone he would want to help someone pass on.

He only shook his head, he still needed to delay Sonic's death, no matter how much he was hurting...he just didn't want his son to suffer as much as he did when Maria passed on...the only human that had treated him with kindness when rest of the world thought of him as disgrace.

Times were different back then, not that Mobians and Humans were still equal today, hints why there were two different hospitals. He was pushed out his thoughts when heard Sonic coughing.

The blue hedgehog's body started trembling as he just continued coughing to the point that he was choking on his own blood, his lungs were failing...and faster than normal, Sonic managed to calm down...he only tilted his ears back when the soft taste of copper in his mouth from the blood that was pulling up his lungs.

"J-Just a little l-longer...p-please..." He told his body...but everything just hurts...and felt cold.

Shadow followed Sonic's gaze over to the corner of the room that was empty...he's definitely isn't one to believe in the afterlife, but just hearing one of his patients ask him that he was starting to believe it.

"I'm sorry...Silver, but I can't let him suffer much longer" Shadow thought to himself.

Sonic started to see the moments of his life flash in front of his eyes, all of the moments that he spent with Silver...all the laughs that he shared.

"Sonic...I promise, I'll make your life something worth living..."

The blue hedgehog took his breath and the loud static beep was heard from the monitor...it had been ten years that he was fighting this disease, that just wasn't cure able, and he was smart enough to know that he wasn't gonna make it to Silver's sixteenth birthday...but he was grateful to have a friend that stick by his side through this, he just wished that he had more time to confess, to share that tender moment in each other's arms

Jennifer covered her face to hide the tears that were streaming down her face...Sonic was the closest thing to a son she could've asked for, so seeing the hedgehog past was heartbreaking it didn't help that he was only thirteen.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Sonic's eyes fluttered opened, he looked around to see that he was in that field from his dreams, he looked down to see that he was still wearing the necklace and a pure white t-shirt with baggy jeans.

He saw the same the girl that he's been seeing throughout those dreams, with a smile he ran over to her.

That was when he realized he had a pair of golden bird like wings coming out of his back, he only pinned his ears down...he knew this day would come.

"Thank you...for the memories, I love you Silver" he spoke with a few tears running his cheeks and a joyful smile on his muzzle. He reached out to take a hold of the young female human's hand.

"So your Sonic" She asked.

Sonic nodded, "Thank you for keeping me company...Maria"

Maria only smiled, she was only keeping her promise to a best friend of hers, and she'll continue to keep that promise, she glanced over at the the black hedgehog she gave him a joyful smile before leading Sonic away.

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

Shadow closes Sonic's eyes, before covering the hedgehog with the sheet, a few tears drenching the sheet, "I'm sorry I couldn't help you..." he mutters out loud.

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