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A brown chipmunk, with long red hair, wearing a black t-shirt, with blue jeans and a white lab coat, in her arms is a clipboard, cyan blue bracelets on her wrists and matching boots.

"So can say your name for me?" She asked Sonic, who is in the child hospital room, that had a lot of child proof stuff and toys for him to play with.


The chipmunk only looked down when Sonic started coughing, it's not that he wasn't trying it's just that his throat can't handle vibrations of his vocal cords when he started speaking let alone anything else. A glass of water was handed to him which gladly took and started drinking turning the clear water red from his throat. Which was a common occurrence for the hedgehog.

"Well?" Jennifer asked.

"I gonna need a Medical Report of this so called Teen Mother, or at least the Father for that matter before I can make a proper diagnosis" The Chipmunk said.

"She's being forced to come in have some lab work, and check up" Jennifer admits, she started to wipe away the blood from Sonic's mouth.

"As for his vocal cords, and throat...nothing is wrong with the wind pipe and the trachea" The Chipmunk said as she lets out a small sigh looking at the cat-scan of Sonic's throat, there was unexplained tears in his vocal cords that was making it painful for him to speak, of course it was in location that couldn't be treated properly, but with his body not making enough white blood cells, it just isn't healing itself properly, it's not infected but also not healing itself.

"I'll give it another week, if it's not healing by then we're gonna have to remove it" The Chipmunk said.

"Yes Doctor Sally" Jennifer said.

Sally was watching Sonic interact with some of the toys that was given to him to play with, she noticed a huge bruise on the hedgehog's leg. "Sonic what happened there?"

Sonic looked at the bruised that was on his leg, he didn't know how that happened cause couldn't feel it, he only shrugged his shoulders as an "I don't know" kind of gesture.

Sally only hums as she goes over to started to put pressure on the area, "Do you feel anything?"

Sonic shook his head, the same response from his other leg, he didn't real it he can move his legs kind of...but not really at all which explained why he had moved from his area where he was playing at.

Sally only made note of this after all the hedgehog was very young to understand what was going on, all he knew that these mobians were here to help him, and care for him, something that he never got from his own mother.

/End of Memory/

Sonic was looking out the window of his hospital room, Silver left an hour ago to do his homework and get things signed since he had his first day of high-school, he looked down at the small figures walking down the sidewalk.

"I guess I can understand how Ariel felt when she wanted to walk on land..." Sonic thought to himself, he pulled himself away from the window to lay down flat on the bed.

He looks at the random stickers that got from Silver before he left the room. A lot of them were Pokémon and Comic Book heroes, he glanced over at his wheelchair, so far the only thing that was custom was the flame pattern on the wheels. He just to decorate the back with some of the stickers so that it didn't look so plain.

"At least it looks cooler" He thought he only pinned his ears down.

He hated this...he hated his birth mother for putting him into a position like this for her to not even show any mounts of remorse for her actions.

Miracle or not, he just wish he wasn't suffering anymore, or at least just have a damn cure so that he could do things that other teens his age were doing, without the constant fear of his body just giving out on him.

There was a knock on his door, before it opened to revealed his Doctor.

"Hey...It's time for your medicine" Jennifer said as she walked over placing the tray down with the set of needles filled with his medication...mostly something to help his body make white blood cells, and Proteins to help build up his immune system.

The hedgehog was allowed to wear normal clothes...he just needed a lot help with putting on pants, and/or shorts, a long with his socks and shoes as well as getting in and out of the bathtub, up and down stairs. A lot of things that require his lower body.

He was wearing a short sleeve, white t-shirt with a yellow star printed onto it, baggy jeans that were ripped at the heels, and white socks over his paws, his figure has also changed now that he was older, not that it needed to...he has a slim, slender, curvy figure, with wide hips, and thick thighs, even though his legs are paralyzed they were thick as well. On his knees were black knee pads to protect the bone from snapping if he ran into anything while he was using his wheelchair.

He sat up on his bed letting the echidna rub the alcohol onto his arm, to clean the area, she took notice of the small bruise that had formed from the needle being poked into that area.

"I see Silver brought you Stickers?" Jennifer said.

Sonic only nodded.

"Ms. Acorn said you behaved well with the tutor"

Sonic only nodded again, since he's been in the hospital for ten years he's mostly been seeing Sally...his psychologist, he didn't have any mental issues which was a relief to the hospital staff, he was only suffering from, lung failure, and paralysis, as well as weak immune system.

Any sickness can cause him to worst symptoms than the sickness could actually give. Which was why he was given special medication to help his immune system.

The hospital didn't want a repeat of last time, when they let Sonic have an interaction with flu patient.

Jennifer rubs his head before smiling at him, "I let you know when I'm going out to get dinner"

Sonic gave his mother figure a smile back, as he watched her started to clean up and take her leave.

"At least I'm not fully alone..."

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