♡٨ﮩ٨ﮩﮩ٨ﮩﮩ٨ﮩ EᑭIᔕOᗪE♡ᔕI᙭ ﮩ٨ﮩﮩ٨ﮩﮩ٨ﮩ٨♡

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Sonic laid awake on his hospital bed, just staring up at the glow-in-the-dark stars that were on the ceiling his breathing had finally steadied enough that the oxygen mask could be removed from his muzzle, Silver at this point had gone home since he had School tomorrow...it would be unclear if the albino hedgehog would return to the hospital.

"Bye Grandma!?"

His ears tilted back when heard a little kid saying going by to their grandmother, he didn't get visitors not since his mother didn't want anything to do with him when he was born. As for his Father...he didn't even know him, and seeing that he was in such poor state it was kind of pointless in telling his birth-Father that he has a son.

He only looked at the IV in his hand and the heart monitor that was slowly beeping away, he was more afraid of just falling asleep...cause what if he never woke up...or he'd just be transported into that false reality where he can actually do the things that he couldn't do here.

He can just feel himself drifting to off to sleep, hopefully not for good...

❤︎ ❤︎ ❤︎

When his eyes fluttered opened, he saw that he was in a open field with pink and white flower petals blowing in the wind, he looked down to see that he was standing and was still wearing the necklace, he felt a little over joy...now being able to finally experience the outdoors, he didn't waste time with running through the field.

He felt so free, with the fresh air blowing into his face, and the sun on his pelt. Though like his false reality he got that feeling that he was being watched, it wasn't a creepy feeling but more of a comforting feeling...like someone was looking out for him. Or mostly looking out for Silver and his family. Whatever it was, it was more friendly than anything anything else.

He fell flat onto the grassy ground looking up at the fluffy clouds, just taking in the sunlight the thing that he never felt in his entire life since he came to hospital, he pinned his ears down...it just wasn't the same not without Silver...who helped him paint this perfect picture from when he asked the other mobian what the outside world was like.

It was a lonely dream, though Sonic was use to dreams like that...he only wished that he could have Silver with him...so that they can finally experience holding each other, and sharing a kiss, without the fear of hurting the blue hedgehog or getting him sick.

When morning finally came around, Sonic's eyes fluttered opened and he saw the nurse changing out the empty IV bag, with full fresh one...it was gonna be another boring day in his hospital room, with slight of doctors coming in and out of his room to ask him how he was doing, and check up.

He glanced over at the empty chair...every minute without Silver was pure agony, since he didn't want to past on...not before getting that kiss from the best friend that he loved.

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