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Sonic's ear twitches when heard a noise outside of his room, he lifted his head up from the pillow a little bit of blood was on his pillow from him just drooling in his sleep. He wheezes a little before just fully coughing a bit blood.

He shifted his weight so that he was laying on his side on his bed, he looked over at the clock on his wall, that only read five in the evening, he lets out a small yawn, using his upper body strength to lift himself up from the bed.

Seeing a not on the table from Jennifer, telling him that she had unlocked his wheelchair so that he can explore the hospital floor since visiting hours were over, he pulls his wheelchair over so that he can slide into the seat, he might not be able to move his legs but he can still feel pain, thanks to the injections he gets, with a silent whimper he was finally into the seat. He made sure that he had his whiteboard in the side pockets of his wheelchair a long with some markers, not everyone in the hospital knew sign language.

He opens the door to the hallway, he just started wheeling his way out of his room and down the hallway, he greeted some the doctors that he knew personally as well as some of the sick kids that weren't really like him...since they got to family visits and were able to run around and play in the little play area that was in the hospital.

"Good Evening Sonic?" Vanilla greeted the hedgehog, the rabbit of course had a five month year old infant bunny, but she had always made the time to come into work after all the hospital kids were kind of like family to her...so a close friend of hers often watches her baby, while she was at work.

"Do you where Silver is?" He signed.

"He should be in the break room"

Sonic nodded and thanked Vanilla as he forces his wheelchair forward, to his way to the break room.

Once there he pushes the door open, when he wheeled his way to the table.

Silver greeted Sonic with a small smile, of course the two were best friends...though they often time don't see each other much cause Silver had to the school and is rather old enough to home alone...but when they do get to have time to hangout with each other it was rather an adventure to say the least, of course they do their best to include the other kids to join along.

But they were just kids back then...now that Silver had kind of had in understanding of Sonic's medical condition...he started to be more careful around Sonic. Even when he wasn't around the hedgehog, after all he didn't want to his friend sick from the other germs in his school from the other high-school students that was around.

Silver was pushing Sonic's wheelchair, as they were just taking a relaxing stroll around the hospital...it really wasn't interesting...since Sonic couldn't speak cause of that surgery he had done to get his damaged vocal cords removed cause it was at risk of getting infected.

Sonic stops his own wheelchair with the brakes, he was kind of tired of this gentle stuff...he still wanted excitement like the old days when they were kids.

"Come on Silver...just quick race?"

Silver couldn't help but get flashes of that last time they had wheelchair race, it was rather a traumatizing experience for him...since he was only trying to make Sonic happy that day but instead of that it only made things worst. Just seeing Sonic cough up blood as well as spit up blood cause of his failing lungs to the point that he almost suffocated on his own blood, he couldn't forgive himself for just letting his best friend die like that.

"I can take you to the game room? And we can play some video games" Silver said avoiding the request.

Sonic only lets out a silent sigh, he knew why Silver didn't want to do the things that they did when they were kids...that got them in trouble with the hospital staff.

But it was kind of something that he admires about Silver, he wasn't as advantageous as he was or daring...with this stupid medical condition he kind of needed someone like that, he only motions for Silver to push his wheelchair to the room after letting go of the brakes.

Silver only smiled and started pushing the wheelchair, "Dad got some games for the Xbox that I just know we will like!" He admits.

Now that peaked Sonic's interest, he knew Shadow had a lot of violent of games that he often brought to the game room in the hospital just for some those Teenagers that had short attention spans and needed something to distract them from family members, getting check ups, or getting ready to have a child.

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