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After a week, Kokushibou was going insane. He had no idea how he was going to survive another week with out her. He honestly had no idea how he survived the first couple days of knowing her and not dating her.

Kaigaku: "Dad? You okay?"

Kokushibou: "No! I'm not fucking okay! I'm dying!"

Kaigaku: "Do you want some tea?"

Kokushibou: "No I don't want tea! I just want my fucking girlfriend back!"

Kaigaku: "Dad! I didn't even get to meet my mother because of you! You started yelling at her! I didn't get to even have a 2 minute conversation with her!"

This made  Kokushibou mad.

Kokushibou: "Don't you yell at me Kaigaku. I made you! You're only here because of me!"

Kaigaku: "Then stop making such a fucking commotion!"

Kokushibou: "You want to go see your mother? Go see her!"

Kaigaku: "I will!"

Kaigaku left the room and slammed the door behind him. He stormed through the infinity fortress until he met Leila's bedroom door. It was easy to tell that it was her room because of how it was decorated. It had wisteria all over it and was more elegant than any other room. He had heard from his father that her blood demon art was wisteria. He thought it was really interesting so he wanted to ask her about it when they met, but never got a chance. He knocked on the door three times to reveal Leila wearing an elegant black kimono with a purple floral design all around it and Rui in his usual kimono.

Kaigaku: "Hi Miss Leila. I'm Kaigaku, your boyfriends son. I apologize for his behavior and I wanted to meet you on nicer terms."

Leila: "Oh! Please come in."

Leila smiled and led him in. Rui glared at him, but didn't say anything seeing how happy his Okaa-Sama was. Leila sat both of them down and prepared some tea.

Leila: "So, Kaigaku. I'm Leila as you already know and I am better known as Blood Moon Zero." 

Leila informed him still prepping the tea.

Kaigaku: "You're Blood Moon Zero?!?"

Kaigaku: "I'm so sorry for yelling."

Leila giggled.

Leila: "It's quite okay Kaigaku. Yes I am. This is Rui, Lower 5."

Kaigaku: "Kaigaku, Upper Six."

Kaigaku introduced himself to Rui who was still glaring at him.

Rui: "Okaa-Sama! Look what I can do!"

Rui caught her attention. He got up from his seat and started to make huge webs from his finger tips all around the room.

Leila: "Wow Rui! That was amazing! I'm glad to see your blood demon art is improving from the blood Muzan gave you. Maybe you'll be an uppermoon soon!"

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