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Leila: "No Koku."

She couldn't believe he thought that.

Leila: "He has a mother."

Rui: "Now I'm an orphan. Remember?"

Leila: "I'm so sorry Rui!"

Leila then hugged him.

Rui: "I didn't mean to!"

Leila: "It's okay. I know you didn't miss Leila."

Rui: "Can I stay with you for a bit? I don't have a home."

Leila: "Of course you can Rui."

Kokushibou spoke up.

Kokushibou: "Leila we can't do th-"

Leila held one finger up behind her to signal him to stop.

Leila: "Can you and Kaigaku go talk outside?"

Kaigaku seemed confused.

Kaigaku: "What's outside?"

Rui: "Not us! Keep up Kai!"

Leila: "Why can't we?"

Kokushibou: "We don't have space for it Lei!"

Leila: "I can ask Nakime to expand the room or better yet, give the boys a new room!"

Kokushibou: "You can't just keep taking advantage of Nakime like that! Leila! Do you understand what I'm saying? We cannot keep him!"

Leila: "Oh, but we could keep Kaigaku?"

Leila's eyes started to tear up.

Kokushibou: "Yes! Because Muzan had room for him! He was planned to come!"

Leila: "I'm his sister! I can do whatever I want!" Tear were now streaming down her face.

Kokushibou: "Are you going to use that excuse for the rest of your whole damn life!?"

Leila's face was red and tears are streaming down her face and finally her boyfriend noticed. He tried to hug her, but she pushed him away.

Leila: "Don't touch me Upper 1!"

She wasn't afraid of him, but this was the first fight they had. It didn't feel good. Leila carefully opened the door and picked up Rui.

Leila: "Come on darling. Let's go."

Rui: "Where are we going?"

Leila: "We are going to my brothers room. He will tell you that you can stay!"

When they reached her brothers room, Rui looked nervous to go in.

Leila: "Remember what I told you? The moons can be however they want around me."

He nodded and they went in.

Muzan: "Hello Leila. Did you like Kaigaku?"

Leila: "I didn't really meet him because I told Rui here that he could stay with me, but Kokushibou and I got into a fight and now I'm here."

Muzan: "First of all, of course Rui can stay. Second of all, you two had a fight?"

Leila: "Yes. He thought that there would not be enough room and when I suggested that Nakime make a room, he said that I was using her!"

Muzan: "Okay. You two obviously need a break from each other. I'm going to move you back to your old room. Rui will stay with you until you and Kokushibou cool down."

Leila: "Okay Muzan. Thank you."

When the two of them were outside, Leila asked Rui about the whole room sharing thing.

Leila: "Are you okay about us sharing a room?"

Rui: "Sure Okaa-Sama!"

Leila: "Eh? What did you call me?"

Rui: "Okaa-Sama? Will you be my mother? I don't have one and although I just met you, I see you as my mom."

Leila: "Of course I'll be your mother Rui. However your father, you don't have one right now."

He hugged her and I hugged him back.

Leila: "Let's go."

They walked through the walls of the infinity castle so Rui could see the place and know where to go and we bumped into two people that I did not want to see.

Kokushubou: "Leila listen I'm sorr-"

Rui: "She does not want to talk to you. Isn't that obvious? Leave my Okaa-Sama alone!"

Kokushibou: "Okaa-Sama?"

Leila: "Yes. I'm his mother and as of right now, you are not his father."

Kokushibou: "Eh?"

Leila: "Muzan said we needed a break from each other so I apologize that this is all happening while Kaigaku is here and he was supposed to meet me as me, but I cannot help it when my child is not being allowed to live somewhere. He is allowed to live here by the way."

Kokushibou: "I'm really sorry Leila. How long is this break?"

Leila: "2 weeks. Muzan feels that we will have both calmed down by then. He also feels that's the most we can last without each other."

Super short chapterrrr. I'm really sorry. I don't have any ideas or motivation so do you guys have any ideas? Also, how are you guys liking it so far? Continue with it? Or just discontinue it? Let me know!


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