Chapter 10

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Addison, Bree, Wynter and Bucky tried to avoid Wyatt the next day at school. They knew he'd be mad at them. Eliza was his girlfriend and nobody was allowed to touch her - especially not to take her Z-band off and especially not without her permission. If Wyatt found out, he'd go mental. He'd kill them! Goldie was lucky enough to be in middle school too. Wyatt would definitely kill her.
Wyatt seemed suspicious. At lunch, he sat down at their table. Everyone was there, except Bucky who was with the Aceys.
"Hey, do you guys know where Eliza is? It's not like her to skip school."
Addison's throat went dry and Wynter went quiet.

"Maybe she's ill?" Bree suggested
"Zombies don't get 'ill'!" Wyatt shot back. "You guys seem like you know where she is."
Wynter's throat was so dry. She was a little bit scared of her friend, he was a little (a lot) overprotective of his girlfriend.
"Where is my girlfriend!? Where is Eliza!? Did something happen to her!? Was she arrested!?" Wyatt shouted.

It sort of slipped out. Wynter told Wyatt everything.
"Did someone call the Z-patrol!? Is she in... Containment?"
" just ran!"
"That's worse than calling the Z-patrol!" Wyatt had stood up and everyone in the cafeteria's eyes were on him. "Eliza is somewhere in the forest, probably lost and unable to think for herself! I'm going after her! I'm going to find her."
With that, he started to walk away from the table.
"And as for little Goldie! She's lucky she's only in middle school!" He shouted on the way out.
Willa had never seen her brother like this. He'd never been this attached to a person or thing before. He was willing to risk everything for someone he loved. He was willing to get into trouble with the principal, go into the forest by himself and look for a feral zombie.
And that was why Willa was proud of him. But as for Wynter...
"Wynter that was incredibly foolish of you to participate in such a game! Is this how the pack has raised you!? No! It's dangerous... But I'm glad you're okay and none of you got hurt."
Wynter felt ashamed. Then she suddenly felt compelled to do something - hug Willa, a genuine hug that shows she cares about her and that she's sorry for getting herself into danger. So, a moment or two later, she wrapped her arms around the alpha.
Willa was tense and annoyed at first and then found that she quite liked Wynter's hug.
"I'm sorry," Wynter said.
"Don't apologise to me. Apologise to Wyatt and Eliza when they get back."
Wynter nodded, "I promise I will."
Wyatt trudged deeper into the forest. He knew this forest like the back of his hand. He knew where he was going. Even if it was dark and foggy he'd be able to navigate it easily.
Eventually, he neared the edge of the forest. He'd had no luck. She wasn't here. He was about to turn around and go back to Seabrook when he heard a familiar sound - a sound he hadn't heard since the Prawn. He heard a roar.

He turned around to see his girlfriend standing behind him. She was different to how she usually was but Wyatt knew that, underneath the feral zombie and the aggressive behaviour towards humans and werewolves (and anything that isn't a zombie), she was still the girl he knew and loved. She was Eliza!

He carefully approached her and as he did she stopped growling and roaring. She seemed to be trying her best to override her zombie instincts. She was - so far- succeeding in this. She recognised him - even in her blind rage.
She simply sat on the ground.
"Wyatka!" She exclaimed.

She tried her best to walk with him back to Seabrook and Wyatt only got scratched and bitten twice (or three times... okay maybe four or five... More like six or seven... Or eight? Maybe nine or ten? Or eleven? It was a lot of times!)
By the time they exited the forest, Wyatt was exhausted and bleeding and Eliza was losing more and more control every second.
That's when the Z-patrol saw them. Wyatt - bleeding and exhausted - and Eliza - feral and uncontrollable. Of course, they could only guess that Eliza had done this to him and threw her into the imprisonment van at once.
Wyatt felt like he had just died. He had gone through so much just to get the person he loved the most arrested for no reason! He didn't like this but he was going to get her back. Z-band or no Z-band she was his girlfriend.

She was his Eliza.

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