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"That morning Mr. Sherlock Holmes, who, except on the frequent enough occasions when he spent the nights, was up late, was sitting before the dining-room table."

And so John began the story on his computer. Sitting by the fireplace, he was still trying to find a way to explain the events of the last few days.

He hesitated, wanting to erase the story. Perhaps he shouldn't tell what had so upset his friend? At the same time, the story seemed so important that he found it hard to give it up.

So much had happened at Baskerville. His friend had turned out to be more human than ever, riddled with doubt. And then... One more thing had happened.

Something huge and unexpected.

His gaze drifted to his flatmate, sitting opposite him, a steaming mug in one hand and the newspaper in the other. He must have been watching him for a while, because the detective soon made a remark.

-What's going on, John? Something wrong with your blog?

-Uh... I...

The detective smiled. He put down the newspaper and folded it carefully. His long legs unfolded, lifting his frame from the chair. Soon he was towering over the blond, a smile on his face.

-What's going on.... Doctor ?

As he emphasised this word, the interested party could not repress a shiver running down his back.

-It's just that I don't really know...

-Um... You don't know if you should tell absolutely everything that happened, do you? My fears, my tears and...

A gnarled hand came to rest over his mouth before he could say another word.

-Yeah. That. I don't know what I can tell.

-Why not try the truth John ? You can say it you know... One night...

But John didn't want to hear any more. He knew what had happened at Baskerville. He knew how things had changed. What he didn't understand was Sherlock's way of making light of everything.

So nothing had changed for him? Everything was exactly the same? Despite... this.

As he panicked and didn't know what to do, before he knew it, Sherlock had surrounded him, one arm on either side of him.

Pinned against the violinist's body, John knew he had no choice. He had anticipated, dreaded and waited for this moment all at the same time. So when the brown curls came closer to him, he couldn't resist the urge to plunge his fingers into them.

And when, at last, the thin lips touched his, he let out a moan of pleasure. He could feel Sherlock's warmth enveloping him completely. He surrendered completely to his arms. His tongue met his, and he let himself go with pleasure.

However, after a few moments, Sherlock stepped back slightly.

-I don't want all this to get out into the world. Look how Mrs Hudson's behaving without even being sure it's true. You know I've always been selfish, and I prefer to keep my toys to myself.

As John's face turned crimson red, he felt teeth nibbling at his ear. He couldn't understand how he could be so weak against him.

-Let's keep Baskerville between us. He continued in his deep voice.

The blogger nodded. He would tell the story, leaving out a few details of course.

He wouldn't talk about their first night together.


Normally, it's the introduction to a novel I've started but can't seem to write.

Basically, I wanted to take the Baskerville episode and add this night. But I don't want to copy and paste from the series, and at the same time, I have the impression that if I add things, I'll get the runaround because it's not exactly the series.

Soooooo... So here's the intro, it's short but I like it all the same.

JohnLock - One-shot [English]Where stories live. Discover now