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Intruction : In two or more paragraphs, desecribe your family and how it is unique

My family is very special, but I still love them. My mum, Mary, died when I was a baby. Dad doesn't like to talk about her too much, but sometimes they tell me about her adventures, and he shows me pictures of her. She was a pretty mummy. Grandma Hudson says I look like her, and that I'm doing to get in trouble later. I never understood why she says that.

But she's a bit strange too. Sometimes, she gets mad at Dad and Uncle Sher. She says she's not the housekeeper, but she still comes to tidy up and look after me. I often sleep over at her house when Dad and Uncler Sher go on adventures.

This happens a lot ! Sometimes they even get big boo-boos. But Daddy says it's because they're arresting bad guys who aren't nice.

Uncle Sher is so good ! Sometimes he looks at people, and he knows all about them ! And he often make them cry. I think it's funny, but Daddy makes his face when I've done something stupid.

Sometimes I do something silly with Uncle Sher, or with Mymy. I think they like to mess with my Daddy.

I even cayght Daddy and Uncle Sher kissing once ! They made a really funny face when they saw me.

So that's it. My family is really original.


I don't know why I had this idea, but you can imagine Rosie, having to hand in an assignment at primary school.

It's very short, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

The question now is whether John let her hend in the assignment, or whether he made some changes x)

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