The game is on

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My first work based on a 'justimagine'. Please, read the image !


The client had just turned his back and walked out of the room, tears still wetting his eyes, his mind trying to comprehend what had just happened in that room. 221B Baker Street was like entering a forced therapy with the Hulk. He destroys everything in his path, and doesn't care about the damage. 

Sherlock Holmes hadn't waited for the door to close to put on a big smile. The case... Oh this case... He could feel that he was really going to like this case ! He could hardly contain his euphoria, his mind in turmoil. He was already thinking of solutions, tricks, clues, details. 

John Watson, on the other hand, hadn't even tried to open his mouth. He knew his roommate by heart by now. Instead, he just got up, to make two cups of tea. He doubted that the black-haired man would touch it, but winter was coming, and if they really had to go out, they deserved to warm up a bit before. 

He rested his brown pants on his regular chair. The man in front of him had pulled his legs up, then put his hands and chin on them. To be honest, the doctor wasn't sure what he was supposed to be thinking about, he didn't feel like he had much information. But then again, maybe he had missed something. Maybe he had. He had done what all normal people do, and just listened to what the client had to say.

Repeated robberies in an upscale new suburb just outside London, with a guardian and a camera.

The culprit could only be one of the owners. And what better place to study the obsolescence of human thought than a gathering of pretentious new riche ? 

Sherlock was already far away on his little cloud, while John waited patiently drinking his tea. For anyone else, this situation would have seemed unbearable. And it must be said that, at first, it was very difficult for the doctor to keep his calm and to remain patient. And even to not get offended when he was called - not so subtly - a moron all the time.

But there's nothing like the years to make a man wise. Well, John wasn't sure he had really become that wise. However, he had learned to take a step back, and take everything with humor. Often, it was easier to deal with the eccentricities of his roommate. 

After an hour, Sherlock unfolded his large frame, stood up, and exclaimed with a big smile :

- Let's go, my dear Watson. The game is on !

The two companions took coats and scarves, while the doctor noted that indeed, the cup of tea had remained perfectly intact. 

In the cab, John didn't say much more, letting his friend explain all the deductions he had already made, without even having been to the crime scene. 

- We might have a problem though," Sherlock said in the middle of his monologue.

- Which one?" asked John wearily.

- Well, from what was described to us, it sounds like a small community, and they must not trust outsiders easily. From the accent of our client, I'd say they're middle-class Americans, who wanted a change of scenery. We won't get anywhere with our English manners.

- I suppose you've already thought of a plan B ?

- And even up to E ! 

Sherlock then put on a big smile, which made his cab companion shiver. He really didn't like that triumphant look on his face. This was definitely not a good idea. Whatever he had in mind, John could feel that he was going to regret it. 

JohnLock - One-shot [English]Where stories live. Discover now