Signs Of The Past.

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May 28 1747 (Claire's Pov)
I turn around to see who is calling my name.
"Frank?" I ask carefully.
"It's me, I traveled here to talk to you, so please will you hear me out?" He says walking towards me.
"Don't come any closer," I say.
"Please let me talk,"
"Talk, I will listen but I can't promise you anything really," I say feeling uncomfortable.
"Look, I didn't realize how bad I treated you until I left. Our way back to each other has always been sex, and I though maybe if we did it again you'd accept life and love me again."
"And hurting me was part of that? Ripping of my clothes? Taking me without consent? Leaving me hurt on the floor until my daughters who was barely 4 came to help me the next morning?" I say tearing up again.
"I'm sorry Claire! Please I'm begging you forgive me! Come back to me. I didn't mean to hurt you, I never wanted to hurt you, I promise I will do anything to make it right to you," he says coming closer.
"Please stay back, Frank. I mean it. I will yell," I say stepping back.
Jesus H Roosevelt Christ, why did I never have peace for long.

May 28 1747 (Jamie's pov)
I was dancing with Faith and Brian.
When it was Brian's turn Faith sat there waiting for her turn again.
"Da?" She says after a few minutes.
"Aye? What is it Faith?" I ask after seeing her scared face.
"That man outside, who is with mama, he's a bad man!" She says afraid pointing at Claire and a man who looks exactly like Black Jack Randall.
"Christ, stay in the house, search for yer aunt, keep yer brother with ye too," I say almost sprinting outside.
"Claire? What is going on here?" I ask going towards her.
"Jamie, go back inside I will come in a minute," she says.
I walk to Claire. "Is that Randall?" I ask getting angry.
"No, well yes actually. It's not Black Jack Randall, Jamie, he is gone. This is Frank, from the future,"
"Frank.. Frank?! The man that hurt ye? Yer husband?" I ask upset.
"Yes, he came her to talk to me,"
"Ye bloody bastard! How dare ye came here, after everything ye did to my family! I trusted you with their care and the only thing ye did was hurt them!" I yell charging at him.
"Jamie no!" Claire says standing in between us. "Don't do this please Jamie," she says putting her hands on my cheek.
"He hurted ye Claire, he hurted Faith, he could've have hurted Brian," I say trying to get past her.
She wraps her arms around me and tries to push me back. "Jamie, please he is not worth anything,"
"What did he say to ye?" I ask her.
"He said he was sorry for treating me the way he did and he begged me to come back," she says keeping me close to her. "I will stay here with you, I won't leave you, I love you, Jamie. Please,"
"She's my wife! How dare you beg her to come back after everything," I say angry.
"She was MY wife first, until you took her away from, until you raped her first," Frank says.
"Jamie never raped me. He never hurted me the way you did! You broke me Frank and Jamie took care of me! You fucking hurted me in many more ways then one and you do not get the right the beg me to come back," she yells at Frank.
"Ye bastard," I say pushing Claire away gently.
I knock that Frank down and beat him.
"Jamie! Stop! Please Jamie I'm begging you," Claire yells.
I don't stop I don't listen, not until I can hear her scream in pain.
"Claire?" I ask seeing her collapse on the ground.
"Jamie.." I can hear her whisper.
I run to her panicked.
"Claire! What's wrong Mo Gràidh?" I ask worried holding her in my arms.
I don't move away from her when Frank gets up.
"Jamie, it's the baby.." she says softly.
"Shh, everything is going to be fine," I say holding her close to me.
"Jenny! Some help please!" I yell.
I lay her against me and then I notice the blood coming from her.
"Christ, Claire, are you alright?" I ask her worried.
"It's not me, it's the baby Jamie," she says trying to sit up.
"Don't, everything will be fine," I say giving her a kiss on her forehead.
Tears fall from her eyes and I can't help but feel guilty.
"Shh, Sassenach. Everything is going to be fine," I say tearing up myself.
She reached for the blood and within seconds her hands are red.
"O my god, my baby," she says crying.
After a few seconds she gathered enough strength to crawly against me.
"Jamie, I'm losing our baby," she says sobbing in my arms.
"It's okay Mo Gràidh, Dinna fash yerself," I say pulling her close.
"What is happening here?" I hear Jenny ask.
When she sees Frank she looks as starteld as I felt.
"Jenny! Help us please," I say to her and when she sees the blood she already knew what happend.
"Oh Claire, come lift her up," she says opening both the doors so we can get in.
I pick her up and hold her close to me.
"I'm sorry Jamie. I'm so sorry," she says sobbing.
"Dinna fash Claire, ye have nothing to be sorry for," I say giving her a kiss and placing her on the couch.
"Jamie, promise me you won't do anything to Frank, stay by my side please,"
"Aye, always Claire," I say.
"Come in man, I'll get ye a cup of water," Jenny says to Frank.
I can see Claire fade away to sleep and when I'm sure she asleep I let tears fall from my own eyes.
"Oh brother," Jenny says coming to me.
She hugs me. "It's going to be fine, both of ye are strong,"
"It's my fault, I should not have attacked Frank, then she wouldn't have miscarried," I say almost crying now.
"It's not yer fault, I promise ye, here take some water," she says handing me a cup.
My poor lass, what have I done to ye Claire?

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