Needing You

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April 16 1747 (Claire's Pov)
It's been exactly a year since Culloden. Since Jamie sent me away.
Even if it had already been a year it still hurted very much.
I woke up next to Jamie but he was still asleep.
I stand up and walk to the window, I stare out of window for minutes when I hear movement come from the bed, but I don't turn around.
Jamie's arms wrap around me and I lean my head on his shoulder.
"What is it, mo nighean donn?" He asks after a few minutes.
"Its been a year since Culloden, a year since you send me away, I can still feel the pain," I say looking at him.
He nods and hugs me even tighter.
"I will never send ye away again, Claire. I promise ye," he says turning me around.
I kiss him and then he pulls me close for another hug.
After a few seconds someone knocks on the door. "Are ye guys almost ready?" Ian says.
"Aye, we'll be at the main house soon," Jamie says letting go of me.
I hear him walk away and I dress me and the children.
"Shall I take my wee Faith?" Jamie asks when I come downstairs.
I give Faith to him and we walk out.

"Jamie lad, yer read to come with me?" Murtagh asks when we come in.
"For what?" I ask.
Murtagh looks at Jamie and Jamie looks very guilty.
"I promised Murtagh I'd come with him to help free some prisoners,"
I look at him in disbelief. "Jamie what is wrong with you?"
"There is nothing wrong with me! These people are my friends, and they are innocent," he says.
"You're free Jamie! They could lock ye in again, and then what happens to me? To our children? We would be left alone again,"
"Claire it willna happen," he says putting his hand on my shoulder.
"Don't touch me," I say putting Brian in his small seat and I walk outside.
"Claire! Don't walk away!"
I shake me head and sign him to stay away.
I walk towards the woods and sit on a fallen tree.
In disbelief of what just happened I just there with tears in my eyes.
How could he even think of such a thing again? He knew how bad it ended last time, I didn't want that to happen all over again.
I look up at Jamie but quickly look away again.
"Claire, please I want to talk," he says squatting next to me.
"I don't think there is much to talk about," I say standing up. 
"Please let me explain!"
I shake my head. "I don't want to hear it." I say trying to walk off.
"No! Ye will listen to me Claire. Ye canna walk away from me, please,"
I sigh and look at him.
It isn't until then that he notices the tears in my eyes.
"Sassenach.. what's wrong?"
"What's wrong? My husband who just got out of jail, wants to try and help others escape. While he has a wife and children at home who need him! That's what's wrong Jamie." I say angry.
"Claire..." he tries but I stop him.
I punch him on his chest but after a few punches I stop and let myself fall to him.
He hugs me tight and allows me to cry.
"I understand Jamie that you have to get your friends but I don't want to lose you again,"
He nods and whispers "I know,"
I pull him even closer knowing it could be the last time in a while.
"I willna leave ye Claire, not forever, I swear on  my life," He says.
"You can't swear it on your life, because if you get caught you won't have it anymore," I say smiling.
"Well then I won't get caught,"
"We should get back shouldn't we?" I ask.
"Aye," he says helping me stand up.

"Faith, say bye to your Father."
She walks to him and he lifts her up.
"Why do I have to say bye, da? I don't want ye to leave,"
"I have to help a few friends, mo chridhe, I'll come back soon I promise," he says hugging her.
"I love ye Da," she says giving him a kiss on his head.
"I love ye to, look after yer mother and brother alright?" He says putting her down.
Faith walks to Murtagh to say goodbye to him too and I give Brian to Jamie.
"Goodbye my wee lad, I promise I will be back, don't be to hard on yer mama," he says giving him a small kiss on his forehead.
"Mama, Da." He mutters slowly.
"Aye, look after her for me," he says handing Brian to Jenny.
"Ye ready Jamie?" Murtagh asks.
The horses were already prepared and packed with food.
We walked outside and Ian, Jenny and Fergus said their bye too.
"Look after Milady and the bairns, alright?" He says to Fergus.
"Aye milord. You can trust me," he says giving Jamie a hug.
He hugs Jenny and Ian to and then comes to me.
"Claire, I will be back, you have my word. Please look after yerself,"
"I will, I promise," I say and I kiss him long and passionate.
After we break kiss I look at him.
"On your way soldier," I say hugging him.
He smiles and walks to the horse.
He gets on a looks at me.
I nod and he rides of with Murtagh.

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