The new days

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May 25 1746 (Claire's pov)
"But what if-" I tried to say something, when Murtagh interups me. "What if we trade something,"
"What do you mean?" I ask in confusion.
"What if we trade something more worthy,"
"Your saying there is something more worth then Jamie? My Jamie? Our Jamie? What could that possibly be?" I said almost angry.
"Is Charles Stuart still alive?" Murtagh asks.
"Yes, God you want to trade Charles his life for Jamie's? They will need a location," I said.
"Give it to them, Claire this is our one and only change," Murtagh says, he's really worried.
"Fine, I will go talk them, stay here with and Faith comfort her,"

"You wanted to speak to me?" The warden says.
"I want you to let James Fraser go, but I know you won't do that without getting something in it for return,"
"You know that well, so why would I let him go?" The warden says.
"I know where Charles Stuart is, he is worth at least 10 times as much as Jamie," I say trying to convince him as much as possible.
"How do I know your speaking the truth?" The warden ask curiously.
"I tell you, you let Jamie go, Jamie goes to Lallybroch, stays there, you go to look for him where I told you, can't you find him there, you take Jamie if you do find him, he's free," I explain.
"Let's discuss this," the warden says.
"He is going according to a route, you can catch him anywhere you want, he's most likely dressed like a woman, with two to five people who accompany him." I said explain it the best I could.
"And where exactly would that be?"
"Let me explain it to you," I said and explained everything.

I bumped against the door of my room causing it to open.
"Claire? Did it work?" Murtagh asks worried.
"Yes, he will let Jamie free and we can all go back," I said laughing.
"Well done Claire, he will be pleased to see you," Murtagh says smiling bright.
"I do have a patient here who needs my assistance for another few days, don't tell Jamie anything, nothing about me and Faith coming back," I said.
"What why?" Murtagh asks.
"I want to surprise him," I say smiling.
"Alright, we'll if it takes to long, I will tell him,"
"Give me a month, if I'm not back by then tell him," I say.
"Fine, well I will take the lad to Lallybroch, make sure he's alright,"
"Thank you, for everything Murtagh,"
"I'd do anything for you and Jamie, and your wee bairns," he says.
"I know, I do," I say and give him a big hug.

May 25 1746 (Jamie's pov)
When I heard footsteps from guards, I thought they were coming to get me and hang me.
But as soon as I stepped out of the jail one of them said: "You're free to go, your godfather is outside,"
"Thank you," I said and when I came outside I see Murtagh standing there.
"Murtagh? How did you get me out?" I ask.
"Long story, a very very long story, I will tell you, but not on the road, on the road well share memories," Murtagh says.
"About what? And who?" I ask him.
"Anyone you want," he says looking at me.
"I dinna want to talk about Claire or Faith, it's still to fresh, it maybe always will be to fresh," I say with pain in my voice.
"That's alright lad, when your ready."

May 28 1746 (Claire's pov)
It's been 3 days since Jamie got out.
I tended to my patient and Faith and I could finally leave her. Jamie should've arrived yesterday. That means only 2 days from seeing my love again.
"Faith, sweetheart wake up, we have to go, go to daddy!" I say excited.
"Da! We see da again?" She asks.
"Yes, within a few days," I say.
"Yes! Da!" She yelled happy.
I smiled bright seeing my daughter so happy.
"Let's go baby," I said dressing her up and putting her on our horse.
"Da! Can you hear us? We're coming to you!" She yells happily.
"Shh baby, my ears hurt if you yell so hard," I say.
"Sorry Mama," she said, but she was still smiling, I know she missed Jamie and I missed Jamie to.
We rode for 2 days and only stopped to sleep.
When I say Lallybroch I could feel myself getting happy and excited, seeing Jamie and everyone again.
"Faith dear, we here, at Lallybroch," I say.
She wakes up, and when she sees Lallybroch her eyes light up.
"Da?" She asks.
"Wait Faith I need you to be very quiet, we will surprise him, I will tell you when you can call for da ok?"
"Okay mama," she says sweet.
We get of the horse and I bind it to a tree next to the outside of Lallybroch.
Well here we come Jamie.
"Call for him sweety," I say to Faith

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