My new life

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April 18 1746 (Claire's pov)
After we arrived at Franks house I put Faith in our bed.
Then Frank sat me down to talk.
"Why didn't you try to come back Claire, I waited for 8 weeks in Scotland for you to come back, everyone told me you left me, at your own pace, but what you told proves wrong, you didn't want to leave, so why didn't you come back?" Frank asks, and I kind of feel bad.
"Frank, I really loved you, I really did, and I tried once, but I was captured. After that the bond between Jamie and me grew, in the end I told him the truth, and he believed me, and that's when I really started loving him. But as the man he was, he brought me to the stones, for me to go back, but I realized I felt something for Jamie I never felt for you,"
"So you decided to stay with him for over 2 years, come back with a child and expect me to act like nothing happend?" He asks in disbelief.
"No, I just want to you to know 2 things. 1 I'm pregnant, with Jamie again, so no matter what happens I will have 2 children of Jamie. And I don't expect you to take me back, but I hope you will, cause I never stopped loving you." I say.
"And why would I believe you? For all I know it's all a lie,"
"Jamie doesn't trust anyone, except me, Faith, his sister Jenny, his brother-in-law Ian and Murtagh. He told me to tell you, that he was grateful, and that he trusts you with the care of his wife and children," I say trying to convince him. "And that he hates you to the very marrow of his bones," I add.
Frank stands up after I said the last thing.
"The bastard hates me and dares to ask me to take care of MY own wife, and his bastard children?" He scoffs.
"They are not bastards! Don't you dare ever call my children that again!" I say shouting quietly.
"Who do you think you are? You, a woman, telling me, a man, what I dare to do or don't do again!" He yells slapping me across my face.
I look at him and his eyes are full furry.
"The first thing we are going to do is fix Faith her hair,"
"What? What do you mean with "fix"?" I ask.
"I mean that we are going to dye it, into dark brown or even black," he says rolling his eyes.
"We will do no such thing! This is her hair color! We will keep it the way it is!" I say upset.
"No! It's Jamie's hair color, we wilna have a child with red hair! It's horrible and ugly,"
"How dare you! It belongs to her! You will not dye any hair on her head!" I yell and walk of to the room Faith and I share and lock the door.
Shortly after I locked to door I hear Frank pouncing on it. "Open the door Claire!" He yells.
"Open the fucking door!" He yells again.
"Goodnight Frank! We'll speak tomorrow." I say climbing in bed.
"Mama, I'm scared! I want my da," Faith says.
"Shh don't worry sweety, it will be okay, and believe me I want your dad to," I say hugging her.
"But why don't we go to him?" Faith asks in tears.
"Oh my baby, we just need to wait for a little while, we will go back,"
"Is it true, what Da said?" She asks, but I have no idea what she's talking about.
"Is what true?"
"That ye are with child? And that that's the reason we have to leave Da?"
"Yes, I'm with child but Faith, even I wasn't pregnant, Jamie would've still send us somewhere save to protect you, because you are the one thing most important to him?" I say holding her close to me.
"I wanna sleep, but mama, promise me we'll see Da again," she says.
"I promise, I promise on everything I have," I say giving her a kiss and she closes her eyes.

25 April 1746 (Jamie's pov)
"Jamie? Jamie?" I heard Jenny ask, I fluttert my eyes open.
"Jamie can ye speak?" Ian asked.
"Am I dead?" I asked slowly with a small smile hoping I would.
"You've come home, to Lallybroch," Jenny said smiling.
"Lallybroch," I tasted the name on my thong, once was home when Claire and Faith were here, now it felt painful to say the name even.
Jenny leans over and hugs me and I wrap my arms around her.
"Where's Claire lad? And Faith?" Ian asks.
"They are gone," I whisper tearing up again.
"What do ye mean gone? What happens brother?" Jenny asks confused.
"They are just gone," I say, no less crying.
"Oh Jamie, why?" Jenny says tearing up herself.
"I will tell you the truth so you understand, but dinna judge me or ask to many questions," I say looking at Jenny.
"Aye, but let's tend to your wounds first," she says and Murtagh and Ian get me out of the cart.
"Ah, it burns," I say groaning in pain, when Jenny tends to my wounds, the same way Claire did.
"So Jamie, are ye ready to tell us?" Ian asks.
"Claire, she, she was from another time, she traveled trough some stones, from the year 1945. She traveled back to 1743 and that's when we met, but I thought I was going to die on Culloden, so I brought her and Faith back to the stones. She was with child ye ken? I had to protect her, Faith, and my unborn child." I say crying again.
"She was pregnant?" Jenny asks. "Why did ye send her away then, Jamie?"
"She needed to be save, and here she would've been the wife of a traitor. In her own time she had a husband to, from whom she got separated. But it's safer there for her and out bairns, so I had to,"
"Jamie, it's a canny move, but I'm afraid ye did more harm than good," Ian says hesitating.
"Maybe for now, but within a few years she'll have another child, and she can live her life happily with.. Frank. And she'll forget about me," I say smiling weakly by the thought that she will be happy.
"Do ye think she'll be happy with Frank? If every time she see your bairns, she sees you?" Jenny asks.
"She has to be, that's all I want for her and our bairns, that they are happy and safe," I say and I close my eyes.
I hear everyone leave to room and I fall asleep, dreaming of my wee family.

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