30) Everyone Will Know

Start from the beginning

"She's going to send those pictures around the school for everyone to see and people are going to make my life a living hell." I said with tears already streaking down my face.

"Hey," Damien said cupping my face in his hands. "No one's going to make your life a living hell. And if Wendy did get pictures of us, I'm gonna make her delete them before she does anything." He said wiping my tears away with his thumbs.

I shook my head. "Yes they will."

"No they won't, you're going to be ok, I'm gonna make sure of it." Damien kissed my nose.


Throughout the day, I've been on edge. I was constantly looking over my shoulder, like I was expecting someone to jump at me and show me pictures of Damien and I making out in his car.

I know that Damien said that he would find Wendy and make her delete any pictures or videos if she has any, and I knew that I could one hundred percent count on Damien. And the fact that it was almost lunch time and there were no pictures of the two of us going around, that lead me to belive that Damien had been successful in his endeavours, and made Wendy get rid of whatever she had.

When I sat down in the cafeteria at lunch time, Juan and Austin was once again arguing about something that I really had no interest in. It always baffles me how these two could talk for hours at a time without taking a break. The group chat that I'm in with them, ninety percent of the messages are arguments from Juan and Austin, and the other ten percent is Stacy and I.

Stacy took a seat next to me. "How are things going with you and Damien?" She asked.

"Pretty good." I answered honesty.

"Did you guys have sex yet." She asked casually like there was absolutely nothing wrong with what she just said.

I opened and closed my mouth like a fish out of water, and I'm pretty sure that my face was burning a crimson red color. Was she seriously asking me that question so casually like that was something completely normal to ask a person?

Stacy's explicit question seemed to get the attention of Austin and Juan because they stopped arguing with each other, and their attention was now focused on the two of us.

"Did you just ask him if he already had sex with Damien?" Asked Austin curiously.

Wendy nodded in response. "I cannot be the only one who's interested in knowing."

Austin shook his head. "You're definitely the only one interested in knowing if Damien has already stuck his dick in Kai... Or if Kai has already stuck his dick in Damien?" He asked as if he was unsure.

"Wait," Juan chimed in. "You think Kai tops Damien? Absolutely not. Look at him, he screams bottom." Said Juan as if I was not literally sitting right there at the table.

Austin raised his eyebrows in confusion. "Top? Bottom? What the hell does that mean?"

Juan let out a gasp. "Do you live under a rock? I always knew that you were a crustation."

"I'm not quite familiar with how two guys have sex." He admitted with a shrug.

"It's not that hard to figure out, they simply just stick their di-" He started but I cut him off

"Okay! We don't need you to explain it." I told him.

"Point of correction, you don't need me to explain it, because you're already doing the devil's tango. These two on the other hand? They need my guidance." Juan replied.

"Seriously Juan, I don't think anyone need you exolaing gay sex to them." I whisper yelled.

"How do you know so much about gay sex?" Asked Stacy.

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