Chapter Thirteen - Lucinda

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Groggy and drunk with fatigue and excrusiating pain, I wander down a pebbled road, mumbling to myself. 

My tears have dried onto my face which is stuck with dry, day old blood and dirty and I even though I am in so much pain, I can't find a will to cry tears anymore.

I mumble prayers to my God, hoping by some truely amazing luck I will stumble across Daniel and we'd be reunited together again, but my hopes fall as I look around me.

Normally, I would have admired the amazing beauty of the landscape, but not anymore. The hills surrounding me were greener than green and a light mist fogged up my front view. But I didn't care.

I couldn't care anymore.

Caring is now physically and mentallybeyond what I can now do.

'Daniel...' I mumble. 'Come to me.'

I hold my hands together as I walk, feeling it grow colder before my very self. 

'If you love me... you'd come to me without h-hesitation,' I stutter. My bare feet start to hurt. I had broken out of my shoes a while ago so I foolishly threw them away, only now realizing how I shouldn't have

My stomach also hurts. I've been finding it harder and harder to walk around and stay fit, even though I'd been doing a massive amount of excersise.

Maybe I have come down with some alien disease or something? Whatever it is, it isn't good and its not helping me on my journey to find Daniel.

I shuffle along, groaning from my feet and face.

'When you come back to me,' I sing softly as I walk, gritting my teeth from the pain of the open wounds on my feet and face.

'I'll still...' I pause, contemplating the next few words. 'Be where thou left me,' 

'Oh, how young and sweet we have been. Before I was fine to call you thine,' I stop and groan. My feet were hurting me so much. 

I collapse onto the ground and my eyes start to water. No sooner had I fallen to the ground, had I burst into tears, only to make my face sting and burn even more from my salty tears.

'Daniel!' I moan. 'Come back! You promised we'd be together and happy! You promised!' I scream to the sky. 

I lose it completely. 'Daniel! Come back for me! You married me! You took my wealth, my soul and my heart and you leave me here abandoned! You've abandoned me here and taken everything I have lived for away from me!'

I gulp the fresh air and moan loudly. Mumbling Daniel's name over and over again until I am sick. I cough and splutter and choke on my own saliver until I am raw and can't scream or even talk any longer.

I fall down, face to the gravel and there, I feel myself slowly moving away from my body. Far, far, away.


In case your wondering, No. She doesn't die. And thank all you readers for getting my up to 1,000 reads!!! I saw that and I was like, Holy mother of cheese and crackers! It was pretty funny.


continuing onto the story and this chapter is not over!


A sigh of relief blows out of my mouth and my eyes open widely.

I try to say 'What?' loudly but it only comes out in a typical croak.

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