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Jay and Shelly are sat in a little food shop eating rice dumplings. Shelly happily digs in and begins eating whilst Jay eats slower to not cause a stomachache.

Jay looks at Shelly and quietly says "Don't rush, you'll get a stomachache"

Shelly smiles putting her fork down (Jay got the fork for her) and chuckles "Well, Jay would have to nurse me back to health"

Jay blushes lightly at the thought of looking after a sick Shelly.

The image of Kris and Shelly bumping into each other earlier replays in his mind irritating him, but Jay knows Shelly will and only will love him no matter what. That always puts his mind to ease.

Shelly looks at him and slightly raises an eyebrow "Hmm, what's on your mind?"

Jay shakes his head but remembers what she told him about speaking his mind to her "Just... yo- Kris, he seems to like talking with you"

Shelly smiles and puts her hand in his

"Mhmm he does, but he's pretty boring, heh, I mean he always talks about crap things"

Jay feels satisfied "hmm, yeah?"

Shelly giggles and nods "yep." Shelly then looks at him and has a feeling he's jealous of Kris "Why did you wanna know, hmm? Maybe Dom's right and you are jealous"

Jay shakes his head no taking a sip of water "You're my girlfriend so I wanna know what you think of people"

Shelly feels her heart pound faster when he calls her "My girlfriend" he rarely says it so this is a happy moment.

Shelly takes a bit of a rice dumpling "mhmm"


Yumi and Vinny are walking down the street in silence. Yumi keeps side eyeing her boyfriend to see if he's going to break the silence.

Then Yumi holds his hand and breaks the silence herself "Vinny Hong"

Vinny looks at her flustered from her suddenly holding his hand "Yumi Lee..."

Yumi smiles and swings their hands "Uhh, where are we going?"

Vinny doesn't like the swinging of their hands but when he sees how Yumi enjoys it he doesn't stop and let's her continue, if she's happy that's all that matters to him.

Vinny looks ahead of him again and grumbles unsurely "... arcade..?"

Yumi nods with a smile "mhmm sure"

Vinny slightly smiles at her and they keep walking to the arcade now making light conversation. Vinny feels glad that Yumi can talk away and not mind if he doesn't talk much, after all, she does have a lot to say.

[7 minutes Later)

The couple arrive at the arcade going to play at the games.

Yumi is playing one as Vinny watches her, she's very committed to winning this one's prize.

Footsteps are heard coming towards them and a voice

"Uhh. Excuse me, Vinny Hong?"

Vinny turns his head and slightly scowls at the man

"Oh sorry, but I'm Kris Oh... a friend of Shelly Scott's"

Vinny looks at the guys face judging, Shelly's friends with this guy?

Kris sighs running a hand through his hair "Ahh, I saw... Jay Jo kissing Daisy Choi"

Vinny stops scowling and raises an eyebrow "huh?"

Kris leans against an arcade game nodding "mhmm in the hallway. It seemed pretty loving the kiss"

Vinny scoffs getting off the arcade game "He wouldn't"

Vinny picks up his jacket and walks over to Yumi who is still playing the game.

Vinny watches "You got it?"

Yumi shakes her head grumbling "No, I can't"

Vinny stands next to her then gently nudges her over putting his hands on the control "I'll do it"

Yumi smiles standing besides Vinny watching as he plays the game to win the teddy prize for her. Yumi sees his muscles flex and the concentration on his face as he's very competitive and focused wanting to get the prize for Yumi.

Vinny finally wins the bunny teddy from the game and takes it out handing it to her "Here"

Yumi claps and takes it "Thank you" Yumi looks at him in the eyes then grabs the bottom of his shirt and pulls him in for a kiss.

Vinny freezes and blushes then kisses back.

Vinny pulls away flustered and slightly panting "What the fuck was that for?"

Yumi giggles picking up her bag "Hmm, just felt like it"

Vinny's heart picked up, she just felt like kissing him, she always gives him affection but he doesn't give her affection much..

Vinny sighs then has an idea and puts his jacket over her shoulders

Yumi stops and looks at him "huh?"

Vinny looks down shy "You know, you don't have a jacket so.. you might be cold.."

Yumi smiles and puts his jacket on properly "Thank you, Vinny."

The two carry on playing in the arcade, Vinny helping his Yumi win her desired prizes.

[4 hours later]

Shelly is in her bedroom, fresh from a calming bubble bath and now in her bed on her phone texting Jay.

Shelly giggles and kicks her legs at his replies.

Then she gets a text from a classmate with a picture attached the picture containing Jay kissing Daisy Choi outside a shop.

Shelly stops smiling and zooms in on the picture and sees the clear photoshop... but is it photoshop?

Shelly sighs and sends the picture to Jay demanding him to explain.

Shelly impatiently waits for a reply reassuring her its fake but she never gets one, her text not even being read.

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