12: An Inevitable Turn of Events

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Without even thinking about what could come next, Lance begins to yank at the cuffs and the latch they are attached to as hard as he can.

Zayn tries to hold him down but he had so foolishly chosen a strong man for this and it's very hard to stop him from pushing at him with his free hand or stop him from yanking at those cuffs.

"Get off me you crazy bitch! Get off me!"

As he's yelling, he yanks at the cuffs one last time. All of a sudden the latch that was holding the cuffs pops off and hits Zayn in the the eye.


Zayn is a bit stunned from the unexpected injury, so he is easily pushed to the side. Lance doesn't bother to grab anything as he frantically opens the door to the van.

Apparently Harry had heard the commotion and got out to see what was going on. But he isn't expecting the door to open, so he gets hit hard in the forehead with the door, putting him in a daze and knocking the gun out of his hand.

He fumbles around for the gun but by the time he has it in his hand, Lance has gone off into the woods. He lifts the gun and fires it. Silent bullets whiz by the trees.

"What the hell?! I thought you cuffed him!"

"I did cuff him! He broke the latch and it came up and hit me in my fucking eye! And don't holler at me!"

"It was your responsibility to keep an eye on him until I got back here!"

"Fuck you! I told you it was too soon!"

Harry stands up to his feet.

"He's probably running away to get help right now. We're screwed!"

"No, no. I think you shot him. I didn't hear anymore running or leaves crunching after you fired at him."

"You'd better hope so. Get dressed and let's go!"

Zayn basically has to rush to get dressed. And when he finishes, they speed off away from the river without checking to see if the man is dead. Whatever just happened, they messed up big time. And they know it. All they can do now is find somewhere to dump his belongings and pretend like it never happened.

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A very uunsettling thing about people who are killers is that they so often have to pretend that they are not. This means that even when things go wrong, they can't afford to be anxious or worried about being caught without a legitimate reason to fear. Worrying before they know they have something to worry about only leaves room for even more mistakes to be made. So this means they must live life normally. They must go on with their normal routine and play it the same way they would have played it had things gone right.

In Harry's case, this means taking his grandmother out to eat.

It's the middle of the month again. It seems to have come around quickly. A lot has gone on since the last time he saw her. Today the doctor did not clear her to leave the nursing home because her blood pressure needs to be kept under strict watch. Therefore Harry is there in her room, sitting with her and talking to her.

"So do you know why they want to keep an eye on your blood pressure? What happened?"

"Who knows? Getting old I guess." She says.


Harry sits with his chin in his hand.



"Do you know if mama's still alive?"

She is eextremely surprised to hear that question. Harry hasn't asked about his mother in a long time.

When the Killers Come Out » Zarry 🔞⚠️✅Where stories live. Discover now