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Club VIP is the hottest club right now. A lot of it is because it's so big and new. But another part of it is because it's all inclusive. It's open to anyone of any sex, of any stature, and of any sexual orientation. So it's considered "the thing" right now.

That's why Zayn chooses to use it as his newest hunting grounds instead of using all the other gay bars he'd visited in this city. There's a good mixture of people and sometimes there are heterosexual men who are so horny they become curious. Zayn has his interest tied to men who like men even when they're not horny. But since Harry is open to any man, coming across one of those would be an absolute gem.

He comes dressed club ready. Being attractive is as important when luring his victims. Knowing he looks good, he prances around the club, sipping spiced virgin apple martinis. To lure is to be forward. He has to come up to men if he wants to know more about them. Standing around looking pretty would not yield the sort of results he's looking for.

Then finally one man captures his attention. All night he has been trying to talk to women who are clearly not interested in him. They would talk to him for a while, but then they would leave without entertaining the conversation any further than just friendly conversation. Zayn had also made it a point to make eye contact with him frequently. And he would catch the man looking his way like he was curious about him. Though none of that mean's anything, Zayn still knows there is something about him that's drawing the man. He wants to find out what it is.

So later, after Zayn makes his rounds about the club, he returns to find the man standing alone at the bar and sipping a beer. He hadn't been drinking before but clearly the disappointment of not getting lucky tonight has driving him to it. So he comes up to him.

"Oh my gosh, it's so crazy how as big as this club is, you and me are still looking for someone to take home."

"Uh..." The man says.

"Don't be shy. I saw you looking at me while you were talking to women."

"Trust me. I'm not shy."

"You sure?"

"I'm sure. And I see you aren't shy either. You've been talking to a lot of men."

"Well..." He shrugs.

"Did you come over here to talk to me?"

"I did. I was interested in you. But I also see that you're straight which is a bummer."

"Hmph." He says with a slight chuckle.

"I am straight. I'm only attracted to women. But like my friend always says: 'A hole is a hole.' And you look like you'd be amazing at sucking dick."

Zayn forces a smile. He can see why those women all walked away. This man a complete douche.

"You read me so well."

"Ah... really?"


"Well would you be interested in taking this to the bathroom stalls?"

"No thank you. I have too much pride in myself to get on my knees on a scummy public floor."

"You're going up to every man in the club offering them your asshole tonight. I don't think you've got that much pride."

Zayn inhales and exhales. This man better be glad he doesn't carry a knife on him because if he did, he'd probably be dead right now.

"I never offered you my asshole."

"Well I'm straight."

"I thought a hole was a hole. What's the difference between my mouth and my asshole?"

When the Killers Come Out » Zarry 🔞⚠️✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora