Chapter 35: Tag or Hide & Seek?

Start from the beginning

"That was mean, your highness!" Complained Sarah.

"Yeah, next time, tell us!" Agreed Elaine as she ran behind Sarah, who was running behind Elif.

"Hehe, ok, but if we want to win, we need to split up in different directions; otherwise, she'll easily catch us, and Elaine, you should probably just hide; you won't be able to outrun Illumia." Advised Elif before he dashed off to the left, separating from Sarah and Elaine.

"Well, I'll see you later, Princess, don't get caught!" Said Sarah as she started running to the right, leaving Elaine alone.

"So then, where should I hide?" Muttered Elaine.


Once twenty seconds had passed, I quickly dashed in their direction and followed the tracks they left behind, but as I continued following it, I noticed the tracks begin branching off into separate paths.

'The biggest one belongs to Ms. Sarah, the smallest one belongs to her highness, and that leaves the last one to his highness, which is likely to be the most difficult, followed by Sarah and lastly, her highness. So I shall capture his highness first.' Pondered Illumia as she nimbly made a sharp left without losing any speed and chased after Elif.

As I followed after his highness tracks, I eventually saw him running in the distance, though it seemed he noticed me as he quickly sped up while also maneuvering through the trees so I would lose sight of him.

'It seems like all those training sessions weren't for nothing; however, your highness, you are still too young to be able to fool me.' Thought Illumia while suddenly jumping up onto a branch before continuously propelling herself higher up and eventually vanishing into the canopy of the trees.

Following after his highness by gracefully jumping from branch to branch within the canopy of the trees, I watch him from above like a predator as I wait for the proper chance to strike. After a while, I noticed his highness slightly start slowing down while I could see his shoulders go up and down; from that alone, I could tell he was faking exhaustion in hopes that If I was still following him, I'll attack now and reveal my position, however, everything he knows about fighting I taught him, so how could I not notice something so obvious.

As I continued following him, I knew that if nothing were done, It would take a long time for his highness to make a mistake on his own, so I decided I should help him in that regard. Clearing my throat, I called out to him from above.

"Big brother, help; she's about to catch me!" Shouted Illumia while perfectly mimicking Elaine's voice down to the very last detail.

Immediately after, his highness looked back and slowed down slightly; seeing that, I instantly leaped toward him from high above, colliding with several branches in the process, which caused his highness to look up at the canopy. When I broke through the canopy, I saw his highness's eyes go wide while his face shifted into a scared expression as he quickly turned back around and tried dashing off, but by then, it was too late as I had already landed on the ground with one of my hands touching his shoulder.

"You have been captured, your highness." Stated Illumia as she stood up and dusted off the leaves and dirt on her clothes.

"Haa, did you also manage to capture Elaine as well?" Asked Elif, a little annoyed at having been captured, but he knew the moment she caught up to him, his fate was sealed, so it wasn't that big of a deal to him.

"No, I haven't, your highness; you were the first person I chased after as I deemed you would be the most difficult to capture." Answered Illumia as she plucked the leaves out of her hair.

"Then why was Elaine? Wait a second, she isn't even near me, so how did I hear Elaine's voice!?" Asked Elif after using his divine sense, causing him to eye Illumia suspiciously.

"What you heard wasn't her highness; it was me imitating her voice and tricking you." Replied Illumia as she imitated Elaine's voice, surprising Elif, though he quickly got more annoyed afterward.

"You, hmph, I don't want to look at you anymore." Stated Elif as he folded his arms before turning around in annoyance.

"Well then, I shall go and locate the other two, though I must thank you, your highness, now I know that her highness isn't near us." Said Illumia as she quickly dashed off back into the direction she came from, intending to head back to the tracks and follow after Sarah.

Once I made it back to the set of tracks, I followed the biggest footprints that branched off to the right, and after a while of running around scanning my surroundings, I found Ms. Sarah hiding behind a bush playing with various small critters.

"You are captured, Ms. Sarah." Said Illumia as she tapped Sarah after sneaking up from behind her.

"Ahhhh! Oh, It's just you, Ms. Illumia; you frightened me." Responded Sarah as she clutched her chest where her heart was while gasping for air.

"My apologizes, but as I've touched you, you are out of the game."

"Ohh yeah, Hehe, I forgot we were playing. Am I the first one out?" Said Sarah as she played with a small furry animal.

"You are the second one Ms. Sarah; his highness was first, and the only one remaining is her highness." Replied Illumia.

"At least I'm not the first one out, anyways good luck Ms. Illumia; I'll stay here and continue playing with the animals." Said Sarah, who went back to playing with animals.

As I dashed back to the set of tracks, I followed behind her highness's footprints that continued in a straight line; however, while following the tracks, I noticed two footprints caved in a little deeper than the other, and they were slightly pointing to the right. Stopping immediately, I looked to the right at a thick bush and noticed some of the branches were broken on the ground; moving the bush slightly, I saw another set of tracks of her highness hiding behind the bush.

'Her highness seems to be quite cunning compared to his highness.' Thought Illumia as she followed after the new set of tracks.

While running, the tracks suddenly ended; however, I could tell that the dirt up ahead had been moved around as if to hide something, in this case, tracks. I continued walking down the path, no longer with any clues or hints of her highness's location, though I suddenly snapped my neck at a ninety-degree angle to the right as I felt someone staring at me from that direction. As I proceeded to stare, I suddenly saw a tree branch move, causing me to dash right toward the tree instantly, and while doing so, her highness was slowly revealed to me. Hiding up in the branch, she tried escaping down, but the tree branch she was on was too high for her to make a quick escape since she had to go down the trunk, and by the time she managed to arrive on the ground, I was already standing there waiting for her.

"You've been captured, your highness." Said Illumia as she tapped Elaine's shoulder.



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