19) History Repeats

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"It's going to be okay. Whatever happens you'll survive. Do you remember what I told you?"I asked, gently rubbing her back.

"That I'm too memorable to forget,"She answered.

"And?"I asked.

"And everything is going to be okay. I'm going to go in the Maze and kick ass,"She finished.

"There you are. Keep that in your mind. Okay?"

"I don't think I can. We don't know what they do,"She pointed out.

I had already thought of this. "Close your eyes,"I said. She was stone-faced and confused. "Close them, and don't peak,"I repeated. She seemed suspicious of me but finally did what I said.

I pulled the marker out of my pocket. "Hold out your arm,"I instructed.

"What are you doing?"She sighed.

"Just do it,"I urged. She let out another exasperated sigh but listened to me.

Uncapping the marker I wrote what I needed her to remember.

I will always find my way back to you. Not even a thousand miles could keep us apart.
~Y/N. Aka, Honey~

"Okay. You can look now,"I said, grinning like a maniac. She opened her eyes and observed the words on her arm. More tears filled her eyes, and she wiped them with her hand.

"It looks like I'm keeping long sleeves tomorrow because I don't want to ever have to take this off."

"You better not. Show them awesome karate moves if it means you get to keep my heart warming words,"I said, putting my head on her shoulder.

"I don't know karate,"She pointed out.

"You'll figure it out. Try to sleep now. It's your last night in a bed."

"It's also my last night with you. Let's stay up all night and do random things."

"Anything you want Luna. As long as it makes you happy I'd do anything you want."


"Y/N, wake up,"Someone said, gently shaking me. I quickly sat up and looked around. I wasn't in the old room at WICKED, and Luna wasn't beside me. I was still in the Scorch with stars that seemed to taunt me. They were bright and looked like they held hope. Only there wasn't any for her.

Those words I wrote played in my head over and over. I could smell the sharpie I used and feel it in my hands. It's shiny black color was right in front of me.

It wasn't though. The girl I swore to always come back to was still in WICKED's hands. They could have killed her, and I'll never truly know.

"Are you okay?"Aris asked. I realized he was the one who woke me from my sleep. Except, it wasn't really sleep. It felt too real. She was right beside me, and I could hear her dreamy and calming voice.

But it was only a memory. A bittersweet and love filled memory with my best friend.

"Do you want to talk about it?"He asked.

A Beautiful Distraction(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now