flower garden

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"I'll wrap things up early today

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"I'll wrap things up early today."

It's been over 30 minutes since I've been waiting for Sunghoon at the school gates, and there's still no sign of him. The girls and Sunoo had already left and even offered to walk home together, but I declined, hoping to spend some time alone with Sunghoon. As I look around, I notice that the school is almost entirely empty – most, if not all, of the students have left, and even some of the teachers have gone home for the day.

Using the toe of my shoe, I playfully kick the small pebbles that are scattered across the hard ground, creating a soft clicking sound. I watch them as they take off from my feet with little effort, feeling content in the simplicity of it all. Suddenly, my attention is drawn to a sound that interrupts my moment of peace - the jingling of bells that I've never heard before.

My ears perk up at the unfamiliar sound, and I scan the area, trying to find the source. Then, my eyes land on a beautiful white-haired kitty, perched majestically atop the stone walls of the gate. The kitty's striking blue eyes seem to be staring straight at me as if it could see right through me. I'm struck by its beauty when I notice a collar hanging around its neck, a darker shade of blue than its eyes, adorned with silver bells.

The sight of the kitty fills me with a sense of calm and wonder, momentarily making me forget about how late Sunghoon is. I continue to stare at the beautiful creature, marvelling at its grace and elegance. It's as if time stands still in this moment, and all that matters is me, the kitty, and the sound of the bells.

Suddenly, the kitty turns its head to the side, as if beckoning me towards it, and leaps gracefully off the wall. My curiosity getting the better of me, I hurry towards the corner where the kitty had disappeared, only to find it already waiting for me. The kitty lets out a soft meow and starts walking ahead of me, almost as if it expects me to follow it.

For a brief moment, I glance back towards the entrance, hoping to spot Sunghoon making his way towards me. But he's nowhere to be seen. A small pang of guilt creeps up on me – I had promised to wait for him, and here I am, wanting to chase after a kitty. But then, I remind myself that Sunghoon had said he would wrap things up early today. I can always come back before he finds me gone.

With this thought in mind, I made up my mind to quickly investigate where the kitty is leading me. However, as the kitty rounds the corner, my surroundings suddenly shift, and I find myself standing in the middle of the school's flower garden.

It's my first time being here, and I'm completely taken aback by what I see. Everywhere around me is bursting with life, and the first thing that catches my eye are the rows upon rows of tulips, daisies, and roses all in full bloom. The vibrant pinks, purples, blues, yellows, and reds all blend together in a symphony of colour that takes my breath away. The flowers sway ever so gently in the cool breeze, as if beckoning me to come closer and admire them up close.

Walking deeper into the garden, I hear the buzzing of bees as they flutter from one blossom to another. Butterflies flit about in the air, their wings a blur of colour as they dart about, soaking up the sun's warmth. The very air is alive with the sweet smell of jasmine and lavender, mingling together in a heady scent that fills my senses with pure joy.

I'm lost in thought, enjoying the peace and quiet, when suddenly my heart starts to race. Right in front of me, there's this boy with blonde hair blocking my way, and his back is facing me. His hands are on his hips, and his sleeves are rolled up to his arms, giving him an air of casual confidence as he looks around, searching for something. "Kang, where are you?" he calls out, his voice carrying through the air and echoing off the flowers.

My eyes widen and I feel a slight sense of anxiety rising within me. With his attention focused elsewhere, I try to walk back the way I came quietly, hoping he won't notice me.

But just as I am about to leave, the kitty meows loudly, drawing both my attention and the boy's. He turns around, and —

 He turns around, and —

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