9 |no more tears|

Start from the beginning

I just wanted to ball up and watch a Netflix all day while eating cookie dough ice cream. But it actually has cookie dough in it not vanilla ice cream with two little balls of cookie dough out of the whole tub, thats just disappointing.

I slowly got out of bed and walked out of my room and into the living room where Hobie was sitting.

"Luv, you ok?" He asks looks over at me.

"Yea, thanks, sorry about your bed." I say sitting next to him.

"Accidents happen." He shrugs.

"I still feel bad about it. You know what I blame Roxanne, bitch stressed me out so much she made it come a week early." I say trying to lighten the mood.

Hobie laughs and wraps his arm around me. I lay on his chest for a while as we just talk about random shit mostly food, till my stomach growls loud as hell.

"I'm guessing your hungry?" Hobie teases.

"Shut up, I'm gonna make a sandwich you want one?" I ask.

"Sure luv." He smiles.

I make my way to the kitchen and decided on a classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

(If you allergic to peanut butter then I guess I'll see you in the afterlife, unless you got a EpiPen. Or just make another sandwich.)

I started making the sandwich and I was onto Hobies when I just get a random cramp in my ass, it was like Zeus decided to strike my ass with a mighty thunderbolt.

"Shit!" I yell as I lean against the counter.

"You alright?" Hobie asked walking over to check on me.

"Yep yep, im doing amazing I'm fine." I say as I bang my fist on the counter.

"Luv sit down, your obviously in pain." Hobie chuckles and guides me back to the couch.

"I hate my life." I say as I face plant on the couch.

"I'll finish the sandwich." He laughs.

He finishes the sandwiches and comes back to the living room and hands me mine.

"Not bad, I think I could have made it better." I chuckle taking a bite.

"It's a sandwich luv, how could you make it any better than me." Hobie sighs.

"Dunno, im just a better food maker than you." I say finishing my sandwich.

"Yea yea, wanna watch something?" He askes.

"Can it be a animated movie?" I ask.

"Sure luv." He chuckles.

About an hour later we were watching the SpongeBob movie, the one where they go to shell city to get king Neptunes crown, not the one where they turn into superheroes and go out of water.

I loved this movie, we were on the part where SpongeBob and Patrick are about to dry up and me already being emotional I started crying.

"I'm a goofy goober yeah! Your a goofy goober yeah!" I say as I cry.

"Luv, you've seen this movie, you know they turn out ok..." Hobie sighs.

"I know but it's still sad!" I say wiping my eyes.

"Bloody hell.." He chuckles.

"I want a SpongeBob plushie, but I don't even want SpongeBob I want Gary." I say as I begin to cry all over again.

"Whats wrong now!" Hobie looks at me.

"I want a pet snail!" I yell.

"Oh my goodness." He sighs.

You Delinquent Little Punk |Hobie Brown X Reader|Where stories live. Discover now