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I had now my 8pm class, and I couldn't focus because all I could think about was what stupid riddle told me during detention
Should I go, or should I stay in my dorm
Maybe I could bring weed
Maybe he was talking about another form of stress relief
Maybe he wasn't talking about sex
No that's stupid, he was obviously talking about sex
Or wasn't he?

My class finished and I found myself alone in the big corridors in the dark
It was really cold
I overthought more on my way to my dorm
I opened my dorm door, putted my bag on the floor and made my decision

I'm going to Mattheo's dorm

I putted some perfume and took a bag of weed just in case

I knocked on his door to find myself face to face with him

"I knew you would come, you just can't get enough of me, can you?" He whispered

I scoffed, slightly pushed his torso with my hand and retired myself from him to sit by his window

"Want a smoke?" I took out my weed

"Sure, If that's your type of stressful relief " he smirked

He sat in front of me next to the widow to

I rolled myself the joint and passed it to him so he could light it up

"Why did you come?" He asked

"You said it yourself, I just can't get enough of you" I sarcastically responded

"No but really?"

"I don't really know to be honest, was just bored" I said

"Bored? You could do plenty of other things, why do the thing your parents don't want you to do?"

"Well who tells you I don't enjoy your company, Riddle" I laughed

"You don't, you've made it clear" he raised his eyebrows

"Yeah sure, sometimes you're annoying, but eh, so am I. Plus I never listen to my parents"

"I'm sorry I called you a whore yesterday" he said

I smiled at the apology
I almost forgot about that, he did say he "fucked another whore" in front of everybody, them not knowing it was "me"

I smoked the joint and passed to him

"Apologies accepted" I blew out the smoke

"So tell me something about yourself" he said

"What do you mean? You already know what's to know about me"

"Oh come on Ava, your life can't be that perfect, there's gotta be something, I don't know, something that not a lot of people know"

"Hum yeah I guess, but who tells you I can trust you" I smiled

"Well that's up to you, you decide" he exhaled the smoke

"Okay,here goes nothing,huh... has you know I have a little sister and a big brother. Not too long ago I had a twin brother, he died and I can't stop blaming myself for it" I looked on the floor

"Why's that?" He frowned his eyebrows

"That night I sneaked out of the house,to go see Cedric, few hours later death eaters came into the house. My parents did everything they could to get out of it until they realized I wasn't with them, freaking out my brother,Jacob, went back into the house before my dad could, not knowing I was at Cedric's andddd... well you know what happens next"

"Do you know who did it?"

"They had masks from what my parents told me, so no" I finally stopped staring at the floor

A tear went down my face just thinking about it
He brought up his hand to dry it up

"I'm hear that, I know what's it like, losing the closest person you have...and blaming yourself for it " he said in a low voice

"What happened to you?" I asked back

"My girlfriend"

Oh wow, did not expect that I thought

"I know, I know, you're probably thinking,since when I have had a girlfriend,... but the truth is she is was first love, also my only girlfriend" he looked like he was daydreaming

"I'm guessing you lost her because of your father" I swallowed

"Hum yeah, it pains him to see me happy, even more to see me have a girlfriend. I think it's because he thought she would turn me against him or whatever, or that she would help me. If I hadn't met her, if I didn't fall in love, she would still be alive today, the worst is I couldn't do anything to help her when I father killed her"

"What was her name?"


"That's a pretty name" I smiled
"I guess ever since you keep away from any potential relationships?"

He nodded looking back at the floor

"And ever since you never had another girlfriend?" I asked

"No" he brought his face up to look me in the eyes
He putted his hand on my cheek and got closer and closer to my face
He leaned and he kissed me softly
I kissed back until I pulled away

"this is probably not a good idea, we're both hurting and really high right now, we both know this won't help" I said

I grabbed my things and went to my dorm

As I opened the door I saw my brother, Peter

"Oh shit, you scared the living shit out of me" I jumped "What are you doing in my room anyway?"

"Just wanted to know how my little sister was doing"

"Ew no stop, what do you really want?"
I said completely high of my mind

"No but really, feel like I haven't seen you in a while, I'm not allowed to check up on you now?"

I slightly laughed and sat on my bed

"You heard the dark Lord is extending his deatheater group? he's even taking students from the school, I figured you should be careful with you being in the slytherin dorms" he said

"You know most of them don't have a choice, they don't want to take part in this but they're forced" I spat

"So you do know about it. Not only you know about it, but you know who"

"I don't" I lied

"Are you fucking high right now?" he frowned his eyebrows, taking a closer look to my eyes

"Peter, just leave my room, please"

He scoffed and left

Finally some alone time

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