People outside saw me so I ran after them too and drank their blood, I didn't care to hide the body's I just left them there.

People now started to fear of hearing my name.

I was in New York and I bought a little house to live in and when I was home I was about to my fridge to get a blood bag

I walked into the living room when a wolf jumped in through the window and tried to bite me

"bad wolf....stop!"

I tried to push it away but it was really strong so it bit my neck. I could finally stand up and the wolf ran out.

I didn't think a lot about what just happened but next day I was going down the stairs and when I came down I fell to the floor and got memories and most of the memories was about Stefan

I was laying on the floor as I got a memory

"Tara I need to talk to you" Stefan said "well sure let's sit down" "i really like you Tara, I know we just met but it's something special about you" Stefan said with a smile on his lips and his eyes were looking deep into mine. I couldn't get any words out of my mouth I was just kind of shocked. "How do you feel?" "I'm sorry I have to go". I got away and up to my room, I stood in front of the mirror and were breathing a little heavy. "Hey you don't look so good" Katherine said I just turned around and looked at her with a pensive face.

I got up from the floor and I was not feeling so good as I fell to the floor again and now I saw worse memories.

One day the humans took all vampires and were going to put them in the tomb. I was running trying to save myself when someone stopped me it was Jonathan Gilbert he had like a clock thing you can see if someone is a vampire. "You're a vampire" he said with a shocked face. "No no Jonathan please" it got a little quiet for a while and then he yelled "I got another one here". People came running and took me into a carriage. It was really dark in there.              I looked around as they opened again and now it was Katherine they took in. I crawled to lay next to her and she took my hand. When they opened again I took my chance to run because I knew this would happen so I made myself extra strong by drinking much blood. When I came out I ran so fast I could to the woods and they stopped chasing me. After a while I ran back but so no one could see me and I saw Damon and Stefan helping Katherine so I just watched when I heard shot.

I jumped at the sound and I saw Damon laying on the ground and then another shot and it was Stefan. I couldn't run to them because someone was standing with a gun somewhere. I ran to the woods as I did I looked behind me and then I collided with something. I looked up with tears in my eyes "hello love don't be scared" "Klaus?". "Come with me I'll keep you safe" "no I won't" "well as you want love" he started to go away when I yelled "okay wait". We got home to Klaus and we talked and then at the night we got out to feed, we were walking on the street and saw a guy and we compelled him and then we both fed on him. When he died we looked at each other smiling and we just got closer and closer and closer when at last we started to kiss and he pushed me against the wall and then he stopped. "Let's just go home now. Shall we".

I was feeling really bad and then I remembered that Klaus blood heals a warewolf bite.

I was still laying on the floor when I started crawling to reach my phone

"come on" I said to myself, as I succeed to get my phone I called Klaus.

"Hello love, you finally call after all these years" "Klaus I need help" I said as I was hurt "love what's wrong?" he said with a worried voice "I a wolf" "where are you?" "In my house in...New York" "I be there as fast as I can, love hold on"

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