"Oh." I hear a voice say. I turn to see Stacy. "You're back. Yay."

"Yup. Got a problem?" I snap back.

" No. But you do. There's a really rich man who is coming to see you tomorrow. He's an obvious pedo and thinks you're sexy. Do what he wants from you, and you'll probably get pleasure, along with some hard cash. We will too. And you better do it. Or I'll sell your constant wet pussy on the streets myself, and strap you to a bed so you'd have to oblige. Got it?"

"HAH! I'd rather the second one. But reversed."

" The fuck do you mean?"

" I sell you, and you oblige."

" Go fuck yourself if you think you can overpower me, asshole. I'm older. You have the younger cunt." Stacy spits.

"Let's see. I'm more stronger, faster, more flexible and accurate. Plus I'm smarter." I snap back, again.

" And how are you smarter then me?"

"I have to tutor you. I'm a high schooler and you're a 3rd year college student. Studying art."

"Fuck off bitch!" Stacy yells, embarrassed.

I turn and walk away to my room. I stop on the stairs and turn back to her.

" Oh, and talk about my body like that again, it'll be your sorry ass at the end of this scalpel." and with that I truly leave.


The three days and two nights pass, and I wait for Slenderman's arrival. The rich man, Mr. Connorandle, was in fact a pedophile, who's name I put in with Carly's. Right next to Stacy's of course.

"Y/N!" I hear Stacy yell.

I get up and walk to the stairwell. I walk down a couple of steps and see a man with short, curly jet black hair. He was wearing a black tux too. I smiled, knowing it was Slenderman.

" He came to adopt you. I wouldn't be surprised if you're back in the next 24 hours though." Stacy smirks.

I head back up to grab my stuff, which is really just my notebook and a couple of shirts and pants. I head back down and follow Slenderman out of the building.

" It's Jeff's birthday today, so I'm not going to bring you to the mansion exactly. Everyone is in on our plan, except for Jeff, Sally, Lazari and Tom. Everyone else knows who you are, and where you'll be." He explains, turning back into his paranormal form.

" Who's Sally, Lazari and Tom?"

"They are like my children. Sally is 12, Lazari is 8 and Tom is 5."

" Are they killers too?" I ask.

"Yes. However, Tom only kills on accident. And he kills rarely." Slenderman shakes his head. "The poor child is bawling when it does happen. He feels so bad."

" Aww..does he get over it fast though?"

" Yes, luckily. And it only happens when he does it. He doesn't seem to have a problem with everyone else doing it."

We stop in front of a swing set with two swings that overlook a field of (favorite/ flowers). The sun was starting to set, the colorful sky starting to show itself off.

" Please, swing on one. I and the rest with be back with Jeff in about 10 minutes." Slenderman commands. " Jeffery may feel a bit shy, as his appearance has changed a lot, so please don't gasp, or look stunned or disgusted. It's obvious you hold a precious space in his heart, so please, don't brake it."

I nod, and head over to the swings, as Slenderman starts on behind me. I start to sing myself back in forth until I get a height I like. I start thinking back to all the times I spoke to the Woods brothers, and all the memories I had with Jeff himself. My thoughts are cut off when I hear a calm voice behind me.

" Who is she?" a male voice calls. I reconise it, and it's Jeff.

"Guess." another male voice calls. I reconise it too. It isn't Masky or Slenderman... so Liu?

I hear Jeff gasp and the sounds of feet shuffling. " Did you guys find her?" He calls out.

"Sure did, dude!" a voice I didn't reconise called out.

It was silent for around 30 seconds, then I hear Jeff call out again.

"Y/N? Is that really you?"

I giggle and stop my steady pace on the swing. I get off and turn. Immediately, I'm faced with almost a hundred faces of over. But I dismiss it and turn my attention to the figure closes to me. It was a tall male, with black jeans and a bloody white hoodie. He had unruly black hair and a face I couldn't quite make out.

"Y/N.." The figure calls out, and sure enough, it's Jeff.

" Hello, Jeff. I've missed you." I reply in a calm and soothing voice.

Jeff runs up to me and holds me in his arms. We stay like this for a little bit, until I decide to break the silence.

" Happy birthday, Jeffy." I whisper in his ear. I notice everyone had left, so it was just us.

"God, how I've missed you." Jeff replies. " I never wanted to lose you, and I've always thought of you and when I can see you again."

" And now that you have me back, I wont ever leave you, not on my own watch." I assure him.

We pull from the hug, and I get a look at his face. My eyes widen, but I fix them immediately.

" You probably think I'm hideous, don't you?" Jeff looks down at his feet.

I instantly gently pull his heat back up so we lock eyes. " How could I? You're beautiful, just like always. My eyes only went wide because I've never seen someone-"

" With a face as cut up as mine?" Jeff finishes my sentence.

I smile, and he blushes.

" Do you really think that?" He asks, shyly.

" I really do. Do you want me to prove it?" I ask and he nods.

I pull his face closer to mine and kiss up his cut on his mouth, only skipping his lips. I pull away for Jeff to lean back in and kiss me. My eyes widen again, but I kiss back.

We pull away and he looks down and to the side.

"I-I love you Y/N. I always have, and I'll always will. Remember Carly? I went to kill her, but only to find her house was burnt down. I hated how she treated you, and I wanted to get back at her for you." Jeff bashfully admits.

"Aww, Jeffy. Do you want to know who killed her?" I asked. He looked up and nodded. " I did."

His eyes go wider then how they originally are, and he smiles more. He leans back down to me so that were less then an inch away from each another.

" That makes you so much fucken' hotter, you know that?" He says, as I giggle. He closes the gap with more force then the first kiss, and pulls me in by the waist.


End! How did I do?

1713 words.

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