[Ticci Toby] How you meet

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Warnings; none 

A little author's note- you based off of Nixiy, my second most powerful OC, and you have my mental illnesses. { Your the one with white hair and the bottom one is what Ashlieannak looks like} AND- this one is shorter than the rest- it's just going to dive right in.

BTW- the powers other than your and mine aren't actually true to any of the CP lore.

{My POV}

'God dammit Y/N! I know we're both insomniacs, but mother told us to stay. In. Side!' I thought, running after you. 'She'll kill us both because we're both outside, but did you have to go in the fucking WOODS?!?!'

Being an insomniac is a blessing and a curse at the same time. If you aren't dead, you'll be sleep deprived the day after you do it. But if you were born being one, you get used to it. And having homework due the next day without enough time to finish it, vanishes.

I was born an insomniac, and I've never gotten more then 3 hours of sleep when I chose to submit into a light slumber. And that's the way I function. You, however, picked up on it from me. Growing older and diving into high school, the stress of getting stupid ass homework done came. Seeing I'm your elder sister by almost 4 years, you would always see me up when you were asleep. Nightmares? You'd come straight to me. Couldn't sleep? Again, you'd pay me a visit. So staying up with me on nights were you had things due the next morning became a regular schedule. One thing turned to the next- and here we are, with you almost never sleeping (or me having to force you asleep with magic) and me running in the woods, after you.

"Y/N! Don't be a bitch! The woods are fucking dangerous enough as it is, you don't need to be running in them at night! I screamed after you. 

Normally, I was fucking fast. A lot faster then you. But I found it harder. My mind raced with all kinds of thoughts because of my anxiety. The first thought I had when you ran off, was that you'd been using the little magic I tough you, against me. But I hadn't tough you how to slow someone down yet!

It was my last thought that shook me. There was only one other being, besides the Gods, Goddesses and other experiments, that could slow someone else down. And my theory was proven to be true when I heard the blood-curdling scream. Your scream.

{Your POV}

"Y/N! Don't be a bitch! The woods are fucking dangerous enough as it is, you don't need to be running in them at night!" I heard Ashlieannak yell.

I don't remember why, but when Ashlieannak and I walked into the living room, I bolted to the woods. I'm usually terrified of the woods, and now I'm running towards them?! What the hell was wrong with me?

It felt like I was running a lot faster then I normally do. It was that, or she hadn't bothered follow me out the door when I ran off. Ash was a lot faster then I am, so why hasn't she caught up to me yet? 

But I had heard her call out, didn't I? 

I wanted to stop as my anxiety raced thoughts I did't want to think through my mind. But I couldn't. It literally felt like I couldn't stop, or that I couldn't control my body. 

When I felt my willpower over my body wash over me, I came to a stop almost imminently.  But I was already in the woods. Deep in the woods, and I had no idea where to go. I couldn't heard Ashlieannak anymore, but I could hear something move behind me. I turned, shaking because of the fear pulsing in my veins. And a fucking skinwalker jumped out at me? I screamed, and fucking loud, hoping  you'd hear me.

I dodged the things attack and ran. I ran for what felt like hours until I saw light from a small city or a town. I couldn't make it out, I was too far away. But as I neared closer, it was obvious it was a city.

I ran into the surrounding neighborhood and into an alleyway. Resting against the wall, I closed my eyes. Only to shoot them open again as a heard a semi-muffled crash. My heart raced, thinking it was the monster again, but to only be confused when a was a....boy?

"H-hello!" he called out. " Ma-ay I a-ask what y-your doing out s-so late? "

"Hello! I-...." I trailed off, embarrassed of the truth. " I was out in the woods and a monster like thing jumped out at me and tried to attack me..." I said shakily.

"YOU ESCAPED IT?!" he yelled. " Damn that's cool! It's called the Rake, and n-normally, it can kill it's pr-ey faster then you can blink!" he said approaching me.

"Guess I'm pretty lucky then." I said shyly, frozen to my spot. I bugged me that he was wearing a mask, seeing I find it easier to understand someone when I read they're lips, but I brushed it off. "What's your name?"

" Toby. M-my friends ca-all me Ticci Toby th-ough, because of m-my ticks." he said calmly stopping infront of me. It was the I realized the 'calm' boy in front of me had a fucking ax! " Your's?"

"Y/N..." I breathed.

He froze. Eyes widening underneath his sunglasses. " So your her, huh? " he whispered. Walking to a near by trash bin to hide his ax, he stood up, looking at me. 

"Come on. Let's get you home. There are people here that would have you head at the sight of your figure." he said in a dead serious tone, with out his stutters.

I followed him back to my house, surprised and concerned he knew the way by heart. But upon seeing my puzzled face, he explains that he knew Ashlieannak.

I thanked him for his help and went inside. Only to get a severe talking to from her. Apparently, Toby had already texted her that he was with me.

That's it! Told you it'd be short....

Hoodie's next!

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