"You asshole!" Evie yelled. "You scared me."

"I'm sorry. I jus-"

"You fucking asshole! How could you do that to me?" Evie turned away, not wanting him to see her tears.

"Hey," Nikki reached his arm out to her, but she jerked away. "I...I'm sorry."

She didn't respond.

"I didn't mean to. I just don't know what came over me."

"You didn't mean to? You didn't mean to have sex with not one, but two other women? And I know what came over you. The drugs. The drugs, the alcohol, the ego. That's why you cheated on me, Nikki!"

Nikki was biting back tears, too. "Evie," he pleaded. "Please just listen to me, alright? I fucked up. I fucked up really badly. And I'm sorry. And...you're right. It was the drugs, and I'm sorry. I was just mad and fucked up and I made a mistake. I'm sorry."

Evie could hear the pain in his voice and it decreased her resistance. It almost made her feel bad for yelling at him. But she wasn't quite ready to forgive him yet, either. She closed her eyes and leaned against the wall. When she opened them, Nikki was standing in front of her, his eyes watering. She looked up at him, considering a million different things she could say to him. Ultimately, she just dropped her gaze and stayed quiet.

After a minute or two, Nikki took her hand. "Why don't we go sit down?" He asked softly. Evie nodded her head so slightly Nikki almost missed it.

He led her to the living room. They were both silent and Nikki turned on the TV to kill the awkwardness. He was flipping through channels when Evie spoke up.

"Did you just come here for my TV?" It wasn't anger in her voice. It was more a sad exhaustion.

"No," Nikki said. "I-I guess I came to see you. I came to tell you I was sorry. I did tell you I was sorry, but you didn't seem to care. So now we're gonna watch some TV."

"You asshole," Evie mumbled. First he cheated on her, and now he was being patronizing because she wouldn't accept a pathetic "sorry." Not to mention that the "sorry" didn't come until three days after the fact.

"How many more times?" She asked.


"I know about the first night, after our fight. Then you went and disappeared for three days. Don't try to convince me you spent those days alone. How many people did you sleep with this weekend, Nikki? And while we're at it, how many people have you slept with since June 9?"

"Uh, I-" Nikki sputtered. "None. The entire time I was dating you, nobody. I promise."

"You were dating me on Friday, Nikki."

"I know. I-I told you, I was just angry and not in the right mind, and..."

"How many people did you sleep with this weekend? Tell me!"

Nikki was silent for a minute. Then, he looked down at the ground, like an ashamed little kid. "Including the two girls on Friday, five."

Pain shot through Evie's chest. She threw her head back against the back of the couch. Her crying headache was really hitting her now.

"I thought we were done," Nikki said. "When you left the party alone, all mad at me, I thought that was your way of breaking up with me. I didn't think of it as 'I'm gonna go cheat on my girlfriend,' I was thinking, 'I just got broken up with and I'm gonna cope with it in the only way I know how.'"

Evie was silent for a while, trying to decide if she really meant what she was about to say. She decided she did. "You're right, Nikki. I guess it really wasn't cheating. You're a single man now. You can do whatever you want."

It was Nikki's turn to let the tears consume him. Evie wouldn't look at him, for she knew that if she saw how much pain she was bringing him, she would change her mind. She would forgive him in an instant, kiss him and tell him how much she missed him and how much she wanted him back. But then, it was only a matter of time before they were having this conversation again.

Nikki reached for her hand, and she pulled it away. "Evie," he pleaded. "I'm sorry. Please, forgive me. It won't happen again. I promise."

The temptation was strong, but she fought it. She only stared at the wall ahead, shaking her head no. The sobs she was holding in made her entire body tremble.

Finally, Nikki stopped pleading. He stared at her for a minute, trying to think of something else that would get through to her, anything that would get her to acknowledge him.

"We're really done, then?" He asked.

Hesitantly, Evie nodded her head.

Nikki stood up. "Fine," he stood there for a while. He was waiting for her to change her mind at the thought of him leaving. ' No, Nikki. Please don't go. I suppose we could try to work this out. Come here, kiss me."

But Evie only sat there, not looking at him. It reminded Nikki of the way his mother used to ignore him when he was a kid. He would stand there, toy in hand, waiting for his mom to look away from her magazine, or the TV, or whichever dirtbag boyfriend she had that month. The thought brought anger, enough to overshadow the pain.

"You fucking bitch," he said through clenched teeth while shaking his head in contempt. Evie's shocked whimper brought him more satisfaction that an 'I forgive you' ever would.

With that, he left the Deal house, slamming the door on his way out.


When Mick got home from work at 1:20 that morning, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He took off his shoes, washed his hands, warmed up a bowl of leftover pasta from the fridge, and sat down in front of the TV.

Then, he heard footsteps upstairs. That wasn't too unusual. Evie often got up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom, so Mick ignored it. But then, he saw two legs walking down the staircase.

Evie looked awful. She was in her pajamas. She hadn't taken off her makeup, but instead let it smear all over her face while she cried. Her face was red and puffy.

"Evie," Mick said. "Come here, what's wrong?"

Evie sat down on the couch next to Mick. "Nikki came here."


"Nikki. He came while you were gone at work."

And so, Evie explained to Mick every awful detail of the night. Mick listened, horrified. His heart hurt for Evie, but at the same time, he was proud of her for not falling for Nikki's bullshit promises. He wanted to go over to that pathetic biohazard of an apartment right then and there and kill Nikki with his bare hands.

He didn't tell Evie that, though. She needed him there, consoling her. Not in a prison cell for first degree murder. He listened as she cried, rubbing her back at points. When she was done, they had a long talk about drug addicts, liars, and cheaters. When all was said and done, it was nearly three a.m. and Evie came out feeling like the smart one. Nikki was the loser, the pathetic, immature man who had a seemingly instinctive tendency to self-destruct.

When the tears had dried, Evie went back up to bed. Mick stayed down a few minutes longer. He had some phone calls to make.

The first was to Evie's office. He only said that she would be unable to come into work that day. He figured calling at 3:15 on a Tuesday morning was enough explanation.

Next, he called the Motley House. Luckily for Nikki, Tommy picked up.

"Tell Nikki that he needs to come to our place between the hours of 10 am and 3 pm tomorrow and get his shit out of my house before I throw it all in the dumpster."

He hung up. 

End Notes:

I'm sorry, but it had to happen. Don't think that this is the end of Nikki and Evie, though. The story is far from over.

Come back on July 19 for the first chapter of Part 2: Shout at the Devil

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