Help is on the Way

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The party was disorienting. There were people everywhere: yelling, laughing, drinking, dancing. The music was almost as loud as it was at the concert. It was a miracle the police didn't come (unless, of course, you knew that the police had learned to ignore the neighbors' calls about five parties ago because they could never get the noise to stop).

Evie mostly stuck by Nikki's side. She followed him like a lost puppy when he talked with other guys in the bands who, like Motley Crue, were trying to make it on the strip. Evie found it hard to concentrate on what they were saying because of all the noise and everything going on, but she understood the conversations to be centered around their gigs and the girls who showed up to them.

At one point, when Evie had strayed about six feet away from Nikki, a young man with brown, shoulder length hair came up to her. Without introducing himself, he asked what her name was and who she came with. Before she could get the words "Motley Crue" out of her mouth, a hand grasped her shoulder from behind.

"Get lost, motherfucker."

By the time he guided her to the couch, it had been made clear to everyone within earshot and everyone who was friends with those within earshot: the pretty, petite brunette who was about to become a rather familiar face in the scene belonged to Nikki Sixx.

Those who witnessed Nikki's protectiveness included Motley Crue's singer. Vince abandoned the girl who was kissing his neck to find Tommy.

Tommy had just finished cleaning a line off the kitchen countertop when Vince grabbed his arm and pulled him to the entrance of the living room.

"Look at them," the singer said. Tommy looked all over the room, trying to figure out who Vince was referring to.

"Them?" He asked, pointing to a group of girls gathered in the corner.

"No, dumbass. Nikki and Evie." He pointed to the couch, where the girl was giggling while Nikki whispered into her ear and kissed her cheek.

"Oh..." Tommy took in the scene for a moment, trying to remember if he was supposed to know that there was something going on between them or not.

"Are..." Tommy said, not wanting to look like a fool. "Are they dating?"

"I don't know, that's why I called you over."

Tommy tried to read Vince's tone to tell if he was supposed to be excited, angry, or concerned by the way Nikki pecked at Evie's neck in between shots. As far as Tommy could tell, Vince was more curious and stupefied than anything. As for himself, Tommy didn't really care one way or another. He couldn't think straight enough to consider the consequences, good or bad, for the band. If the couple was happy, he was happy and went on with his day.

"Tommy!" Vince finally caught his attention the third time he called his name.

"What, dude?"

"I said, did Nikki ever mention anything about it to you?"

Tommy thought as hard as he could for someone high off his ass. "I don't think so," he finally said.

"Me neither," Vince said. When he turned to look back at Tommy, he discovered that the drummer had wandered off. He put his hands up in a 'what the fuck' gesture, and went to find the woman he had left a couple of minutes ago.

"I wish you wouldn't do that."

Nikki froze, credit card in hand, when he heard the soft whisper come from the girl sitting beside him. He turned toward her, her dark, concerned eyes looking his face up and down.

"It's okay," he tried to comfort her before leaning over to snort the cocaine off the coffee table.

As he did so, Evie's hand squeezed his bicep harder and he heard her gasp.

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