Ch. 37

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"Your pregnant?!" Alex's mother squealed.

"Geez ma, scream it louder so the whole pack can hear you."

"Sorry. I'm just so happy for you! Are you happy?" She asked her son as she hugged him tightly.

"Haha, yes ma. I'm sorry about dinner though I know you probably wanted some sort of meat." Alex festered to the table of a meatless dinner.

"It's okay mijo, we can survive. It's only dinner." As everyone cheered and smiled and ate, Alex looked over at his family. His in-laws, parents, sister, and his mates. They've all been through so much together and he honestly couldn't have been more happy to be where he was at that very moment.

Over the next few months the leader trio had been working hard, not only for the pack but at home too, their pup was due in about a week and a half. Alex was ready, he was tired of caring a seven pound pup. Not that he didn't enjoy it, but he was exhausted. Not to mention all his Luna duties. He had witnessed and assisted with many issues, many births, and many visits to the packs small orphanage.

Pups between ages of 2 and 17, who had either lost their parents during attacks or were abandoned by the pack borders. Every time Alex would visit everyone would get excited, even the seventeen year old who had even went to school with Alex. Alex was older by a few months and would be eighteen in three months. But the two would talk and Alex became close with the boy. Others called him Max, but Alex called him by the name Max wanted to be called.

"Cypress! You were supposed to study yesterday!"

"I know but Cesar told me to help the little pups and by the time I was done I was so tired." Since Cypress was the only pup who was older in the orphanage, the wolves who ran the place had him pick up some of their duties.

"And you failed the test because you didn't study?"

Cypress felt ashamed, he wanted to impress his Luna by passing his test. Though they were the same age, given Alex's position in the pack Cypress saw Alex as a superior. So, naturally he wanted to impress Alex.

"Yes. I was so close! I just missed five questions."

"Still, you should be focusing on your studies. I get that it's good to help but put yourself first every once and again. Your graduating soon, do you know what you want to do? Or even for the pack? You know once you turn eighteen you'll move into the community housing."

"Yeah I know, and I don't know what I want to do. I'm not good at much. All I ever do is help the little ones here and try to study."

"Well, why not teach? Or daycare? You've proven how well you do with little ones. Plus if you start a daycare I know that my pup will be in good hands." Alex suggested to the teen.

"You think?"

"Of course- Aahhh!" Alex screamed as he held his belly.

"Luna what's wrong?"

"N- nothing, it's just Braxton hicks they're common in pregnancy."

"Are you sure Luna?"

"Yes I'm-"

"Luna! We heard screaming?!" Cesar, head of the orphanage yelled as he ran right into the room.

"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about."

"Oh, well, holler if you need-"


"Yes, Luna?"

"Cypress is a senior in high school, though I recognize you need help around here you shouldn't have him take over your duties. He needs to be able to study for his tests and exams when needed. If you need help around here I can volunteer some of my time and find some others to come and help." Alex assertive, which was a huge change from when he started to fulfil his Luna duties.

"I am sorry Luna, I know I should have come to you for help, but I know you and out Alphas are working hard for the arrival of our future Alpha."

"I understand. Though my pregnancy shouldn't stop anyone from coming to me to voice their concerns."

"I will try my best Luna."

"Alright I should get going out Alphas don't like me out past 5 these days." Alex stated as he chuckled at the thought of his mates.

"Alright Luna, you have our best wishes."

"Cypress don't forget to study."

"Of course!" At that Alex left the house and waddled home.

"Alexander Cruz! Where have you been? I made dinner and you weren't here!" Ryan announced as he heard his mate walk through the door.

"I'm in labor!" Was screamed from the front door. Hearing those words both Ryan and Andrew rushed to Alex's side.


"Your not due for another week!"

"Ha! Hehe."

"That's not funny." Andrew scolded as he pouted.

"Come on Lex that's not fair."

"Well it's not fair that you force me home so early. There's a lot to be done around here and for four months I'll be stuck here. I have duties and things to do."

"What's more important than taking care of yourself and our pup?" Both alphas towered over their Luna as they looked at him with a questioning look on their faces.

"I am taking care of myself and the pup, but I also have a duty to take care of our people. And I can't do that if I'm forced home two hours before the sun goes down."

"Then what do you need to get done?" Andrew asked Alex as they started to walk back to their dining area.

"Why are you going to get it done?"

"Maybe and maybe we will have our mom do it?"

"No, I am not going to run to your mother. She did this while pregnant multiple times. I can do it."

"Lex, this is different."

"How? Because I'm a guy?-"

"No, because there's two alpha's, our workload may be heavy but not as heavy as our father's or our grandfather,we're more flexible. Rely on us." Ryan was speaking the truth, both Andrew and Ryan could fulfill twice the amount of work in a day compared to their father, just because there were two of them.

"Well, I need to find people to donate some time at the orphanage, Cesar and his mate are understaffed and need help, Stacy wants to recruit more witches so her coven will be complete, she also needs a space for them, including a brewing room, Vic needs to find and understudy for moments she can not be of use or assist, we need to encourage more teen pups to go into a field that can support themselves and the pack, such as doctors, technicians, construction, etc. we also need to invest in better care for pups who aren't in school. I walk out there and see so many little ones just running around not learning. Some of these wolves don't go higher than a high school diploma. Which also reminds me, we too should look into taking some college courses. I know Alphas and Luna's don't go to college given the time consumption, but if we all enrole in one class every semester it should be fine. Oh I also need to be present for any mother related procedures, such as births, c-sections, and so forth. Also I thought that I told the guards at the prison to clean more, if anything it looks worse than the last time I saw them. I think we should fix it up or something. Oh and we also should talk about patrol and rogues. Lately we've been getting a lot more abandoned pups on our borders. Usually we get two or three every year, but we've gotten six in the last two months. We need to investigate if these pups are being left for safety or something else." As Alex was talking he was eating, so, as soon as he was done speaking he finished his food. Shocking both of his mates.

"Anything else?" Ryan was afraid to even ask but it's better to know sooner rather than later.

"I need to shower but my feet are swollen, and I'm craving pineapple."


——1372 Words——

A/N: Sorry It's late everyone Im on vacay and forgot to let you all know I wouldn't be posting. Anyways I think going to end the book soon probably in a few more chapters but I hope you all are enjoying the story. Love you all and thank you so much for reading.

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