Moxxie: I want to talk

Dyno: oh really

Moxxie: yes

Moxxie watched as Dyno marches to him, dueling with rage.

Moxxie:[thoughts] Don't be afraid... don't be afraid

Moxxie sees dyno eyes were skulls and crossbones.

Moxxie: oh crumbs

Moxxie screams and flees from Dyno.

Dyno: get back here you fucking disgrace

Martha: you saw that coming

Mayberry: yep

Richter: it took longer than I expected.

They take a sip of their coffee as they watch the mayhem. Out scene transit to Moxxie fleeing down the hall. Avoiding Dyno's mechanical arms.

Dyno: a fucking week, a week, you are lucky you are under blitzo because if you were one of us I wouldn't hesitate to chew out your ass

Moxxie: you don't understand

Dyno: oh so did you or did you not ignore the obvious clue, did you not trust your more capable wife, and did you not blame her for you not succeeding

Moxxie: ok yeah I did those things but

Dyno: no butts, you've signed your death, and this time no one is coming to save you. Sick him, Rico,

Rico salutes dyno and grinds of dyno mechanical claw. He then lands on Moxxie as he screams. He is repeatedly pinned down by a barrage of slaps. (The sounds of the slaps)

 -Pride Ring Aqua Land

We transit to aqua land. Another place where IMP destroyed another bootleg loo loo land. We see Trizz's head crawls around. His eyes scan for something around the place. He searched deep within the park. Where he eyes the sunken ship.

Trizz: where there's a ship

Trizz searched within the ship. He find what he was looking for. Under the ship was a Pirate Frizz.

Trizz: there is some juicy booty

He sees the body was still intact, only missing its head. Trizz crawls to its neck and connects with the body. Trizz rose as he smiles. He moves his appendages.

Trizz: body required, now to find my father.

Trizz new drill peg leg tunnels through the ground. The scene transits to the streets as we see blitzo hauling a load of flyers. This is his punishment for putting the Diablo information on the back of the IMP flyer.

Blitzo: oh this is just fucking great, Millie is on a mission with Jaeger and striker, and Moxxie probably getting chased by Dyno. And I'm stuck retrieving all these flyers. I knew it wasn't a good idea to throw them out a window on a windy day.

Blitzo drags the wagon as something crawls along the wall. It eyes blitzo and scans the flyer. He lands on the ground and grabs blitzo.

Blizto: oh come on, now a robot frizz... wait is that you pirate frizz, you look different

Trizz: the name Trizz my friend, and your flyer has the information I need. Well did cause I already scanned it and found what I was looking for. But the question is, what to do with you?

Helluva boss: Jaeger, the devilous impWhere stories live. Discover now