Chapter Nine

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(this song is so Jaime it should be illegal)


I'm alone almost every night and I don't know if I'm processing right

But my therapist says to just let light be light

So I'm letting him stay around

I think that he's good for me, this boy that I found


Jaime's P.O.V.

June 4th 1997

"I should have guessed." He parked the car outside one of the five mini golf places within a 10 mile radius. Seriously, I could throw a rock and hit a fake windmill on a mini golf course. I have a few times, but the innocence of it all made me smile.

He turned the car off and I unbuckled my seat belt. "That predictable?" He asked, hand on the door, ready to get out.

I got out of the car and walked over to his side. "You said you are taking me to all the tourist traps, which I know all of, so yes it crossed my mind. Lucky for us, we are here early so it's going to be full of families and kids."

"Why is that lucky?" he asked. So we don't run into anyone I know, I think.

I shrug to come off as nonchalant, "Better than drunk twenty-somethings who don't realize how long they're taking."

We walked up to the desk inside and Harry got us two clubs, neon golf balls and a score card. We make small talk and meaningless conversation as we make our way to the first hole. He drops his golf ball onto the turf and hits it way too hard sending it flying past the hole. As I am placing my ball down and lining it up I decide to ask him the question that's really been bothering me.

"So...what do you do that allows you to spend the summer chasing around a pretty girl?"

He lets out a little chuckle. "I like that you acknowledge you're pretty." I was referencing what he said the other day, but hey who am I to deny a compliment?

I hit the ball and it traveled down the turf almost landing in the hole. "I'm coming up on my last year of college. I usually do some summer intern work for my mom's company, but seeing as this is my last summer before I officially start working for her, I convinced her to let me have one last summer before I committed full time. It was shockingly easy to convince her."

It's silent for a bit as we play through the course. It is designed for younger kids to be able to play so if we don't talk the rest of the afternoon we could blow throw this in fifteen minutes. I don't mind the quiet, but Harry looks like he is itching to keep talking. I blurt out the first thing that has been sitting on my mind.

"What did you mean the other day when you said that your mom wouldn't let your older sister take over the bank?"

Once he finally gets his golf ball in the hole he looks over at me. "Pretty deep for our fifth conversation. Are you sure you're ready for that?"

I look at him and hit my pink golf ball and I don't have to look to know it went straight in. "Guess I have to be otherwise we are going to run out of things to talk about," I say, knowing that I am a giant hypocrite doing everything in my power to make sure he knows as little about me as possible.

"Like I said, she owns the bank. Not like a regular bank, like one of those big banks that handle the money for major companies. One of those banks that if you saw the name on the front page of a newspaper because of an embezzlement scandal you wouldn't be in the least bit surprised."

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