Chapter Twenty Three

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Sometimes I wonder; when you sleep

Are you ever dreaming of me?

Sometimes when I look into your eyes

I pretend you're mine, all the damn time

'Cause I like you


Jaime's P.O.V.
July 5th 1997

I woke up to the light being brighter than usual. That's when I realized that I had fallen asleep on the couch, and the sun was coming through the windows. I tried to get up, but then I became aware of the arm that was wrapped around my torso and the snoring behind me.

I hadn't even opened my eyes yet, but I was beaming. Harry's holding me. I'm starting to get the butterfly thing. It's like that feeling of bats, but happier. I need to work on not being scared of being happy. If being happy is my fear then Harry fucking terrifies me.

He was going to be sleeping for a while and extremely hungover. I decided to enjoy the silence for a bit. I did the best I could to turn around so I could face him. My heart skipped a little beat at how soft his face looked asleep. His mouth hung slightly open and I wanted to lean forward and place my lips on his.

His brows are pushed together tightly as I laid there admiring him. I was curious about what he was dreaming about. I lightly ran my fingers through his hair, just from his temple to around his ear.

What's bothering you in your sleep, Stranger?

I needed to get up and get my day started. Trying to get off the couch, I moved slightly. His arm around me pulled me closer. I rolled my lips into my mouth and bit down on them so I wouldn't laugh.

"Are you awake?" I whispered. He gave no sign that he heard me.

I thought back to one of my conversations with Mel. My hands held his face. Harry is one of those special things. I had something so delicate and precious in my hands. Like an egg. Gosh I love eggs.  My thumb smoothed over his stubbled skin. Though flawless from afar, you could see all the birthmarks hidden on his face up close, like the one that hid just below his lip, or the one tucked in on the side of his nose. This boy had an effect on me that I could not comprehend. My stomach dropped at the thought of fall, knowing that when he woke up and I kissed him again, I was signing myself up for a few days of heartbreak when he left. I wanted to be mad at myself. I wanted to be angry for letting some lanky British boy, from Upstate New York of all places, have this much of an effect on me. But with two months left I think I'll go mad if I have to see him with anyone else.

Oh my god am I possessive? Well there is a new characteristic unlocked. Never knew I could be jealous. I guess I've never had anyone to be jealous over before. There's a teeny-weeny-yellow-polka-dot-bikini part of me, that wanted to tie him to my bed and keep him at the shore forever. I cringe at the visual image, but the sentiment is the same. Get him a job at Lon's and have him be a normal person. But then he would lose everything that makes him Harry.

I eventually wiggled out of his grip and left him laying down on the couch. He was pouting in his sleep, his arms crossed over his body in my absence. I bit the inside of my lip and debated crawling back in with him but I had to get my day started and he needs a few more hours of sleep.

I scurried off into my room and got changed. I had hyped up New Jersey breakfast food as a hangover cure so much that it was time to treat him to some. I drove to the end of the street where my favorite deli was and grabbed us two sandwiches.

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