•• Chapter Forty Five ••

Start from the beginning

"Hey." The voice caught her off guard and she immediately went into fight mode. Reaching her hand, she grabbed the throat of the person that dared to approach her.

"Damon?" She questioned, once she broke out of whatever spell she seemed to be under.  She shook her head, "shit, what the hell are you doing sneaking up on me?" She asked.

"Uh, Viv..." Damon's words were scratchy and she suddenly realized she was still holding him in a choke hold. She immediately released.

"Shit, sorry."

Damon coughed and rubbed his throat, "if you wanted freaky, all you have to do is ask."
Vivian rolled her eyes and punched his shoulder.

"Sorry. I was distracted."

"No shit. Are we getting a drink or what?"
Vivian nodded and looked to where she saw the ghost and once she confirmed that they were gone, she followed Damon and they entered with Grill.

"Alright, who was that?" Vivian asked Alaric, who watched a woman walk away. Vivian sat herself down at the table, she reached over to the half finished drink and drank what was left. The liquid was exactly what she needed at the moment.

"My doctor." Alaric answered, casually.

"She's a doctor?" Damon questioned, grabbing a chair and sitting beside Vivian.

"Yeah." Alaric nods his head.

"What's the damage?"

"No damage."

"Come on, Ric, it's a fact if life." Damon went on, "a girl that hot, that smart? Damage."

"I would be offended if it weren't true." Vivian smiled, as did Damon. Ric looked between the two, as if trying to figure something out in his head.

"Well, you know, I've been looking for red flags." Her uh, ex called her a psycho case the other day."

"Yeah, but if it's coming from her ex, it doesn't really count."

"You're right."

"The only time he ever will be." Vivian smirked

"You know, I'm right about a lot of things." Damon said, turning to her.

"Shut up and give him the thing." Vivian says

"Oh, right, that's yours." Damon said, handing the paper back to Alaric.

"I wonder what my ex's would call me?"

"Huh, me too." Vivian muses

"Well, they wouldn't call you anything Ric, they're all dead. And yours are too busy ruining our lives to call you anything." He said, to Vivian.

"Fair point."

"Well, her ex is the medical examiner, so he's dead-adjacent." Ric says, and Damon and Vivian share a look. She recalls Damon telling her about the body of a dead guy Caroline's mother found.

"She dated a medical examiner?" Damon questioned


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