Chapter 21

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" When will we be going back? " asked Wooyoung his husband who was currently changing his clothes in the bathroom of their bedroom since a certain someone pushed him there. No one can blame Wooyoung for his actions since San was used to changing outside rather than inside a bathroom. " In two days if I'm not mistaken, although if you want more we can stay a little longer " said San half screaming since he wasn't sure if Wooyoung is able to hear him, when in fact Wooyoung was getting annoyed by his loud voice. Despite his annoyance, he wasn't going to say anything because if he did, he will just be hurting San.

All day Wooyoung wondered why San hasn't asked him anything regarding everything that has been happening. He knows that his knights has told him a part of the truth or why would San be so quiet, so he asked his knights if they did. Obviously, they told him but he didn't even see his reaction, so he wasn't sure how San felt about all of this which made him very anxious. He found no proper timing to bring the conversation up all day, he is determined to have a proper talk with him once they go to bed. Surely, it wasn't a great idea to bring it up right before they went to sleep but he had or he isn't sleeping today or a week after.

He laid on his side of the bed while moving his right foot anxiously, he was at his limit. If they won't talk about it he would rather jump off a cliff and die peacefully. San came out of the bathroom in proper sleeping attire unlike the one he had last night, making Wooyoung's heart calm down just a little. San stretched his arms before he made it to his side of the bed and laying down on his chest, his head facing Wooyoung. Cute, he is adorable, is what Wooyoung thought laying his eyes on his husband almost giggling making him almost forget about the whole conversation he is supposed to have.

" You see... " said Wooyoung incoherently having no idea how to open up a conversation, if his father were to see this he would stab him. Wooyoung was taught how to speak and in what tone in every single type of situation, making him an expert. San chuckled staring back at his husband who was fiddling with his fingers as he searched for the right words. " It's j-just.. why.. " stuttered Wooyoung as he slapped himself a little to wake up from his trance or else he will have a panic attack and in front of San. On the other hand, San spared no mercy as he smiled staring at his absolutely cute husband all shy.

" Why.. FUCK IT. Why the fuck have you not asked me about all the fucking shit that has been happening. " said Wooyoung in a state of panic, that was all the words he could form. He rolled his eyes trying to stop himself from shaking because this was not supposed to be this bad. San was quite shocked over the younger's outburst, because he refrained himself completely so that Wooyoung doesn't feel hurt. However, it seems to have made Wooyoung feel much worse, and that was not his intention. San lifted himself up as he sat properly on the bed going closer to Wooyoung because for some reason he can't get enough of him.

" I..I just thought you wouldn't want to.." said San in a low voice indicating his sincerity, as Wooyoung was shocked of that type of consideration. Wooyoung wasn't fond of being left in the dark, as he usually was left out. This time, however, it was because San thought he was going to hurt him if he asked. " It was painful seeing you cry and I just.. didn't want you to drain yourself. " said San in a hurtful tone causing Wooyoung's heart to ache, it was the same feeling he got when he saw how his hyungs were happy seeing him laugh. It's where he realized that he was the cause of everyone he loved's pain. Now San as well.

Wooyoung wished he never opened that conversation up, he thought he will be the one getting hurt. However, he was the one hurting him making his heart clench painfully. " It was also maddening...knowing how those fuckers laid their hands on you. I..I really despited it. I want to go rip them to shreds, god I fucking hate it. " spat San as his heart pounded in anger at how no one cared and loved his husband. It tore him apart how he couldn't do anything about it, how they ripped the smile off Wooyoung's face.

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